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Thread: ALP Sounds

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by BestRadarDetectors View Post
    Here are the basic sounds of the ALP if not using ALP Connect.

    @ 1.32 camera alert -section control camera what kind of camera is this

    does it have some thing to do with IR

    the reason I ask I get this false every time I drive into my local bottleshop at first I thought I was one of those door bell chimes like you find in supermarkets lets the owner no when some one crosses the signal

    but over the past few months I have only noticed I get these falses if I drive in from the south and I don't get the false if I drive into the shop the opposite way ...I have noticed some IR cameras installed or is it some sort of camera that reads plates
    Last edited by deano; 04-07-2014 at 06:17 PM.

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  3. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragons View Post
    Poliscan I would be thinking.
    They use those in the US? In California? My ALP started screaming at me with that alert, and I've driven down this road several times since installing the ALP and have never heard that before.

  4. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by awj223 View Post
    They use those in the US? In California? My ALP started screaming at me with that alert, and I've driven down this road several times since installing the ALP and have never heard that before.
    Run a statistics report....
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    Quote Originally Posted by BestRadarDetectors View Post
    Run a statistics report....
    Speed Scanner
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    Vitronic Poliscan 1 <---- This must be it

    Strange thing is, I'm in California. I don't think they even use those here, but I've heard that the ALP almost never has false alarms.
    Last edited by awj223; 04-07-2014 at 10:03 PM.

  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by deano View Post
    @ 1.32 camera alert -section control camera what kind of camera is this

    does it have some thing to do with IR

    the reason I ask I get this false every time I drive into my local bottleshop at first I thought I was one of those door bell chimes like you find in supermarkets lets the owner no when some one crosses the signal

    but over the past few months I have only noticed I get these falses if I drive in from the south and I don't get the false if I drive into the shop the opposite way ...I have noticed some IR cameras installed or is it some sort of camera that reads plates
    Could be Camea IR camera false (Czech camera). On ALP Connect you get a specific camera based alert (happened twice at night with a motorbike with a bright light behind me). I'd also logged 2 Camea alerts in my stats on the release firmware version. Not sure why an AU region CPU alerts to Camea, which is only used in the Czech Republic. ?
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  8. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by deano View Post
    @ 1.32 camera alert -section control camera what kind of camera is this

    does it have some thing to do with IR

    the reason I ask I get this false every time I drive into my local bottleshop at first I thought I was one of those door bell chimes like you find in supermarkets lets the owner no when some one crosses the signal

    but over the past few months I have only noticed I get these falses if I drive in from the south and I don't get the false if I drive into the shop the opposite way ...I have noticed some IR cameras installed or is it some sort of camera that reads plates
    Hello Deano.

    Camea is a Section Control system. You can find it in Czech Republic. It uses ALPR to recognize at least your plate number. In ALG9 this option was selectable. I wonder how it is in ALP. Maybe some older #code will work. Can you still use codes from ALG9 ??

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    Last edited by Youthan; 04-08-2014 at 06:47 AM.

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  10. #27
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    It's possible to disable CAMEA and Poliscan by using USB key and alpupdate web site. Also there is some improvements in poliscan detection in new firmware (this is what I found at

    "4. Poliscan False Rejection user selectable option added. IMPORTANT: Feature does NOT work with ALG9 sensors."

  11. #28
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    Regarding sounds...

    For s$@&s and giggles, I tried my LI tester against the ALP to see what a LIDAR alert sounded like. All of the simulated guns sounded like a low pitched buzz-buzz with the exception of the PL2/Laser Atlanta, which was more high-pitched. Is this OK?
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  12. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qui-Gon View Post
    Regarding sounds...

    For s$@&s and giggles, I tried my LI tester against the ALP to see what a LIDAR alert sounded like. All of the simulated guns sounded like a low pitched buzz-buzz with the exception of the PL2/Laser Atlanta, which was more high-pitched. Is this OK?
    Look at post # 9 for the basic sounds.
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  13. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by BestRadarDetectors View Post
    Look at post # 9 for the basic sounds.
    So it sounds like the PL2 and LA alert as an "error sensitive" LIDAR.
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