Hi all. Another new member here. I had an escort on my previous car, and now I'm thinking of installing one on my Mustang. Lots of great info in this forum.
Hi all. Another new member here. I had an escort on my previous car, and now I'm thinking of installing one on my Mustang. Lots of great info in this forum.
curmudgeon (02-23-2017), dinkydi (02-23-2017), oddpedestrian (02-26-2017), RedRocket (02-25-2017)
Welcome to RALF
Welcome to the forum. If you have any questions just let us know.
Need Help Choosing a Radar Detector for your needs? Visit our website: http://www.bestradardetectors.net, Send us a PM or call us at 1-888-229-7594
Before looking at an Escort Radar Detector you should really check out Uniden Detectors.. Uniden R1 & R3 are the best performing radar detectors for the money.
welcome from down under
Welcome from north of 45 th parallel
Hello, welcome to the Forum.
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