When the ALP system is configured in DIM, and either CONSTANT or BLINKING, I know that if the ALP system's External LED is set to "1", the External LED is "OFF" after the initial startup sequence, until the system detects LIDAR, then the External LED illuminates at full intensity to alert the driver. That is the setting I have on my two ALP systems
However, I do not know what takes place if the Control Box LED is set to "1". If set to "2 - 9" the Control Box LED illuminates according to the number selected: "2" = dim, "9" = brightest. I have my ALP systems set to "2" at this time. If the Control Box LED is set to "1", is the Control Box LED illuminated at its dimmest brightness, or is the Control Box LED "OFF" after the initial startup sequence, until the system detects LIDAR, then the Control Box LED illuminates at full intensity to alert the driver ?
Thanks !
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