I have two cars, Car 1 and Car 2.
Both cars have ALP systems installed in 2014. They are both Quints, with GPS and HiFi.
Both systems have:
CPU H/W version 2
Firmware version 5.2.1
Control Set Firmware version 5.3
Control Set Hardware version 2
Both systems were recently upgraded with the latest releases from ALP:
config.alp (containing Profiles A, B, C)

Yesterday, after much reading and thought, I decided that I wanted the three Profiles to be exactly the same on each car's ALP system. I selected the specific settings for each of the three Profiles (A,B,C) on the ALP Configuration web page. I then Saved the Configuration, then loaded it on to an 8GB Verbatim flash drive, which had been formatted to FAT32. The flash drive had been successfully used in the past.

I then took the flash drive and loaded the new Configuration into Car 1's ALP system. I went through each Profile, A,B,C in order to verify that my setting selections on each of the three Profiles were exactly what I had selected. They were. I then loaded a Statistics and Use file, from the ALP system, on to another flash drive, in order to have a print out of exactly what is contained in each Profile. OK, so far.

I then took the exact same flash drive, which I had used to load the new Profiles into Car 1's ALP system, and loaded the Profiles into Car 2's ALP system. The load was "successful", as far as I could tell, until I went through the various settings on the three Profiles. I was greatly surprised to see quite a few differences between what was loaded on Car 1's ALP system, and what was loaded on Car 2's ALP system. I inserted the USB flash drive two more times in an effort to load the Configuration Profiles. I also printed out a Statistics and Use form for each system after the new Configuration Profiles, with the new settings, were loaded into the two ALP systems. The Statistics and Use printouts confirm that incorrect settings were loaded into Car 2's ALP system.

Some differences are:

Profile A:
Car 1 Pro Mode Enabled (Correct) Car 2 Pro Mode Disabled (Not Correct)
Car 1 LID Time Unlimited (Correct) Car 2 LID Time 5 seconds (Not Correct)
Car 1 Menu Button Short Press - None (Correct) Car 2 Menu Button Short Press - Parking (Not Correct)

Profle B:
Car 1 Silent Power Up Enabled (Correct) Car 2 Silent Power Up Disabled (Not Correct)
Car 1 Menu Button Short Press - None (Correct) Car 2 Menu Button Short Press - Parking (Not Correct)

Profile C:
Car 1 Audio Volume of Laser Alerts - 5 (Correct) Car 2 Audio Volume of Laser Alerts - 4 (Not Correct)
Car 1 Audio Volume of Radar Alerts - 5 (Correct) Car 2 Audio Volume of Radar Alerts - 4 (Not Correct)

There are a couple of settings, such as VoicePack Mode - Detailed, which are not shown on the Statistics and Use printouts, and, therefore, due to the incorrect settings that were loaded into Car 2's ALP system, I cannot be sure exactly what Mode I will hear alerts, until I can be tested again.

Once again, the exact same flash drive with three Profiles, A,B.C, was loaded into Car 1's ALP system, then taken and loaded into Car 2's ALP system. The results are that the settings on the three Profiles are correct for Car 1's ALP system, but there are some settings in Car 2's ALP system that are different from the Configuration Profiles Settings.

How can this happen? Does anyone have any thoughts about this situation?

I have not yet performed any in depth troubleshooting. I am going to load two different flash drives with my Configuration Profile Selections, and see if I can get the settings in Car 2 to be identical to the Configuration Profile Selections in Car 1, which are correct.

Question: "If" I am able to go into the ALP's manual settings mode, and I change a specific setting on, for example, Profile A, will that be the only Profile that will change, or will the setting also change on Profiles B and C?

I welcome any thoughts, information, advice, suggestions, etc.

Thanks in advance.