We will be holding our annual meet on the 16th of August. If you are interested in attending, please sign up here. Looking forward to seeing some old faces, and meeting new ones!
All lidar guns will be available for testing. Time and location will be sent out via pm the night before the meet. Please do your best to show up on time. If anyone has two way radios, please bring them as well. Bring a pair if you can so you can loan one to someone that does not have one. While it's not critical to have one, it does help speed things up when everyone is on board and aware of what's going on. When we are on our testing site, please do not play loud music, drive recklessly, or speed. There are local office buildings nearby with active security. Security has approached us in the past, and we have a good relationship with them. We'd like to keep it that way. Be respectful of the local traffic and of the property we will be on. Looking forward to seeing you guys!
Additional Info added 7/28
The meet with begin at 8AM sharp. We will meet at a local restaurant at 7:30. At 7:50, we will convoy to the meet location which is roughly 5 minutes away.
For those of you who can bring 2 way radios, can you post here and how many you will be bringing? If you plan on bringing an extra radio for another member to use, please place your name on a sticker and stick it to your radio. Thank you!
Additional Info added 7/30
Here is a list of gun that will be at the meet. (There will be more added to the list)
2. TS SX
3. TS LR
4. LRB
5. XLR's (2)
6. Compacts (2)
7. Full Size DragonEye (2)
8. Stalker LZ1
9. Stalker LR
Salty (2 radios)
SunTzuAOW (2 radios)
mikedotd (2 radios)
RedRocket (3 radios)
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