Finally doing the rear two sensors on my 911 Turbo S. Most installs have the bubbles towards the sides of the car. Just want to confirm? Thank you.
Finally doing the rear two sensors on my 911 Turbo S. Most installs have the bubbles towards the sides of the car. Just want to confirm? Thank you.
I think BRD once said the offset is pretty small anyway (inch or so) so not a big difference.
As for me, I attached them all yellow sticker side down.
2013 Subaru WRX STI hatchback/ Valentine One / AL Priority QUINT
Tman (06-05-2015)
With LIs you wanted to make sure the bubbles were out but with ALPs like wirelessandy said it doesn't matter because of the smaller head and closeness of the send/receive diodes.
Lugnuts is right. I forgot to mention that bit.
I also used to have the LI system, whose sensor/emitters are wider. I guess that's where I remember the original orientation question came from.
2013 Subaru WRX STI hatchback/ Valentine One / AL Priority QUINT
BRD said ALPs are more sensitive and flipping them only gives < 1 inch distance between receive and transmit sides which isnt enough to see a difference.
I'd still put them bubbles out just to get that extra inch anyway if they're pretty close together.
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