Originally Posted by
Veil Guy
First I want to thank Mirage for making the effort and I am going to take the advice of some here not to get into any significant back and forth, contentious our otherwise.
With respect to the targeting, tripod mounts make it much harder on CMs used and is not representative of what happens in the real-world. I saw tripod mounting of police lasers more than 10 years ago when the lidar guns were huge and unwieldy. Hand holding as is done today should have an impact further reducing PTs that occur regardless of the guns used. I know that some of you are questioning Roy's results. I believe YC will have another shot at the same C7 that was tested with him doing the same hand-holding targeting. It would be most interesting to see the relative differences between Roy's ability versus YC's. I believe Mirage when he has the time will re-run these (I would hope without the tape, because it doesn't even look like it was coated consistently anyway) with the guns he has in his possession in a handheld fashion. I would expect to see improvements. As I expressed to Mirage when he shared his experiences, I was expecting better outcomes. I can only attribute this to tripod absolutely rock-steady setups. The other thing I would like to do is to get a better handle on his reflective profile. Seeing some improvement with the tape (even not fully and evenly painted), suggests to me that there are indeed other areas of the vehicle (beyond the lights) that are contributing to his PTs that these latest guns are capitalizing upon. It's also going to be interesting how its going to do against the LTI LRBs, TruSpeeds, older Stalkers, etc. I recall the PL4 we do quite well with too. All I am going to ask is to consider these other factors. If there is something unforeseen with G5 (over G4) which would be adversely impacting its performance over G4 (which I sincerely doubt), we'll address it and I anticipate Mirage's feedback to be helpful in that regard. We will continue to communicate with Mirage as we figure out the dynamics at play here. I was expecting much better, candidly, and so I am very interested in understanding why it didn't show better. One way or another, we'll figure that one out.
I have also asked Mirage to actually drive with G5 in the real-world and document his experiences on the road. This is what we're really interested in seeing.
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