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    Exclamation RALETC Official Results of Veil G5 - Testing - Part 2

    After waiting for almost two months to test Veil G5 we were finally able to test on a vehicle. No we didn't go crazy and test it on a white F-450, but we did use my Camaro ZL1 as we already knew how it performs in the real world and knew it to be a bit stealthy by itself. In the test we used a Truspeed Sxb and a DragonEye Speed Lidar AND both of these guns are less than six months old. We provided each gun with a fresh set of batteries on the morning of the test. As we told you we wanted to show you from the officers perspective exactly what he might see if Veil G5 was on a vehicle and determine if Veil G5 was able to defeat today's current lidar guns.

    Our baseline was established against the unveiled ZL1 both on the incoming and outgoing side as we wanted to demonstrate the "stealthy" nature of the car. The test course is approximately 2400 ft and has a side street at approximately 2100 ft. The Truspeed Sxb has a maximum distance of 2000 ft so we knew we would be on the edge of it's capabilities. On the rear of the vehicle we were able to get a 1986 ft baseline very close to the limit of the TSSxb, but on the front of the vehicle the best we could get was 1729 ft. This alone proves the Camaro as a good candidate for a fair test of G5 as it would represent the best case scenario with respect to reflectivity. Keep in mind though we are running the guns tripod mounted and that makes it very difficult for a jammer or stealth coating to perform optimially as the movements of the operator in non tripod mounted cases can sometimes prevent a speed reading by themselves thereby improving results. Regardless this approach is the same approach used when we test jammers, and if the product performs well under these conditions it will certainly perform well in real world conditions.

    It has been said that only a small amount of Veil was required to get good performance so we set out to first apply a single coat of G5 to the head lights and fog lights of the ZL1. This is case 1 and is demonstrated in runs 1 and 2. In this case, we masked off the turn signal indicators, the chrome outlined Chevrolet logo, and the ZL1 badge and then applied G5 over the top of the painters tape to ensure we reduced as much of the reflections from these parts as we possibly could. The application of G5 to the head light was very smooth and looked really nice on the vehicle. After running this for a day it doesn't appear to have reduced the intensity of the head lights at all.

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    In runs 3 and 4 we went back and applied painters tape to ALL flat portions of the front of the vehicle and then coated the tape with Veil G5. The vehicle looked like one of those prototype testing vehicles you see the spy shots of from Car and Driver. The purpose was to reduce as much of the reflections from these parts as possible to ensure at distance we were not getting reflections from other parts of the vehicle. We also encountered some odd results in runs 1 & 2 and wanted to see if the problem persisted in the fully veiled vehicle.

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    We did do a box opening video and showed the unopened container of Veil G5, the 2 foam brushes that came with it, and the instructions. I'm sure at this point you don't want to see us shake the Veil G5 can, or read the instruction on video so at this point we will just give you the results and let you be the judge.


    Couple of things to note:
    1. The TSSxb was producing 0 mile per hour readings in excess of 1500 ft. I would have to conclude that Veil was causing this because we did not get these during the baseline runs.
    2. The DragonEye did not report zero MPH, but it also did not report anything during the test when the distance was above 1700 ft. The DESL performed much better than the TSSxb, but this gun is also rated at 6000 ft.
    3. Veil G5 does appear to work, but not at common enforceable distances (i.e. sub 1000 ft). This may also be due to the guns being used as they are extremely new purchased within the last 6 months. In tests run by Veil Guy the guns used were a Stalker LZ1, Ultralyte LRB, and other older guns. It's quite possible that these guns do not have the caliber of optics that these newer guns have.

    Regardless, you can see the results for yourself and come to your own conclusions. If you have any questions about the tests please let me know....



    Run Distance Diff Comment
    Baseline 1729.9 BASELINE Front
    1 1326 403.9 Veil G5 on Head Lights and Fog Lights ONLY (Plus Logo, Badge, and Turn Signals)
    2 1591.5 138.4 Veil G5 on Head Lights and Fog Lights ONLY (Plus Logo, Badge, and Turn Signals)
    3 1238.9 491 Veil G5 on Bumpers and Head Lights
    4 1662 67.9 DragonEye Speed Lidar Run - G5 on Bumper and Head lights

    So with a single coat of Veil on the head lights and fog lights anything less than 1300 ft was IPT on the TSSxb. On the full coverage runs anything under 1200 ft was IPT on the TSSxb
    Veil G5 had little to no effect on the DragonEye Speed Lidar.
    Last edited by Mirage; 03-23-2015 at 01:25 PM.
    - Laser CM Reviews and Tools - Radar and Laser Expert Testing Cooperative
    AL PRIORITY (Quint) w/BT, RG, & STiR | V1 3.892 + YAV1 | BlackVue DR650GW-2CH

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  3. #2
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    When you did the baseline run, was it tape on + no Veil, or was it no tape + no Veil? The baseline run wasn't shown in the video, so I can't tell. Your description seems to suggest it was no tape and no Veil (and if this is the case, how do you know whether the tape or the Veil was causing the slightly reduced PT distance?).

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  5. #3
    Administrator Mirage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awj223 View Post
    When you did the baseline run, was it tape on + no Veil, or was it no tape + no Veil? The baseline run wasn't shown in the video, so I can't tell. Your description seems to suggest it was no tape and no Veil (and if this is the case, how do you know whether the tape or the Veil was causing the slightly reduced PT distance?).
    Baseline run was done without tape and no Veil. The first two passes were done with very little tape only covering the Logo, Badge and turn signals. I can only assume it was the Veil reducing the distance as the first two runs were mostly a result of Veil on the head lights and fog lights. This should be easy enough to replicate with tape only.
    - Laser CM Reviews and Tools - Radar and Laser Expert Testing Cooperative
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  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirage View Post
    This should be easy enough to replicate with tape only.
    That would be a very interesting test to see, as it could establish a new baseline (or not).

  7. #5
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    I noticed that the parking sensors were not covered. When these are in passive, or off mode only, do they not act a reflectors themselves? I've read this can be the case, but have not seen any tests to prove it.
    Thanks for the great testing work.

  8. #6
    Senior Member The Only Sarge's Avatar
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    So basically you found anything under a quarter of a mile was IPT with the TruSpeedS. This with Veil/Tape/slathered in Veil G5. Nobody would do this in the real world.
    A quarter of a mile?
    And with the Dragon Eye it was IPT. At over a quarter of a mile.
    That is no benefit at all. None.
    This from the Veil Website....Speaking specifically about the DE......
    Some of the newer laser guns that are employing variable and random pulse rates are:
    Digital Alley/Laser Alley SpeedLidar
    DragonEye Technology SpeedLidar
    DragonEye Compact
    Stalker XLR
    LTI TruSpeed SX & SXR, TruCAM
    In an increasing number of states and countries, laser jammers are being outlawed. It is our understanding that in Texas, for example, if you are caught with one, it is considered a misdemeanor — an “offense” that is more serious than a summary traffic violation. So there is an increasing risk versus reward for their use in such regions.
    As touched upon earlier, what makes it even more dicey is the fact that laser jammers are more producing jam codes on a more regular basis. Jammer manufacturers have not been very successful at remedying this. What that means is that even if you shut them off, the officer will already know you were using them.
    Fortunately, since Veil G5 works on a principle entirely different than that of active laser jamming, it doesn’t produce jam codes. To the officer, it will simply appear that your vehicle is more difficult to target — something which actually can occur normally anyway as each vehicle has different amounts of reflectivity. As a result, you should be much less conspicuous.

    Couple of issues here. obviously had ZERO effect on DE. Secondly in Texas any device or effort to defeat speed enforcement is illegal. Not just jammers. So G5 is illegal in Texas also. Plate covers are illegal in Texas. Jammers are illegal in Texas. Any device or effort to defeat.......
    Mute point anyway......doesnt work as advertised.
    Last edited by The Only Sarge; 03-23-2015 at 05:23 PM.
    V1 YAV1 LI 8.9 2008 Silverado w/427ci
    Redline EL CS-56 Dual Jammer 2004 GTO 408ci Stroker Motor
    2014 Ford GT500 V1 YAV1 LI8.9
    8500 X50 Black EL 2013 Jeep Wrangler
    all with HeadlightArmor passive counter measures
    7 decades of hauling ass

    The only way the French are going in is if we tell them we found truffles in Iraq

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  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Only Sarge View Post
    So basically you found anything under a quarter of a mile was IPT with the TruSpeedS. This with Veil/Tape/slathered in Veil G5. Nobody would do this in the real world.
    A quarter of a mile?
    And with the Dragon Eye it was IPT. At over a quarter of a mile.
    That is no benefit at all. None.

    Sarge as always straight to the point!
    - Laser CM Reviews and Tools - Radar and Laser Expert Testing Cooperative
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  11. #8
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    Well I added to it while you were responding.
    Heres where I am going to get my Saks5thAvenue panties all bunched up........
    It is publicly advertised G5 will all but STG (Stealth To Gun) all the newer guns. This is well documented. Dragon Slayer if I recall.
    You basically bathed your poor ol Camaro (you will burn in hell for a bit over that) in G5 and it didnt do squat to the DE.
    TruSpeedS IPT @ a quarter of a mile. Seriously?
    This debate is over. There is no debate. Not about believers and non-believers.
    You may as well pee all over the front of your car and pray.......
    V1 YAV1 LI 8.9 2008 Silverado w/427ci
    Redline EL CS-56 Dual Jammer 2004 GTO 408ci Stroker Motor
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    The only way the French are going in is if we tell them we found truffles in Iraq

  12. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by V1Jockey View Post
    I noticed that the parking sensors were not covered. When these are in passive, or off mode only, do they not act a reflectors themselves? I've read this can be the case, but have not seen any tests to prove it.
    Thanks for the great testing work.
    Hey V1J........Yeah I agree any reflective area......but would you also agree with the entire car bathed in G5 a square inch or two at over a quarter of a mile isnt going to make spit in the ocean bit of difference.
    V1 YAV1 LI 8.9 2008 Silverado w/427ci
    Redline EL CS-56 Dual Jammer 2004 GTO 408ci Stroker Motor
    2014 Ford GT500 V1 YAV1 LI8.9
    8500 X50 Black EL 2013 Jeep Wrangler
    all with HeadlightArmor passive counter measures
    7 decades of hauling ass

    The only way the French are going in is if we tell them we found truffles in Iraq

  13. #10
    Senior Member The Only Sarge's Avatar
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    Here it is...I thought I recalled a brag or two about killing the DE with G5......
    Quote Originally Posted by oddpedestrian
    "To be fair to the other jammer companies" others meaning the ones that can't do anything with the compact? Now it looks like even veil does something.
    Quote Originally Posted by Veil Guy
    Indeed it does. After all of the tests that have been conducted over the years, it was nice to finally test them on two vehicles that really can show the potential of Veil against the latest variable and random pulse lasers. If you want to see how Veil did on a "lousy" car you need not look any further than the last couple of RALETC events. You can see Veil (even G4) on a subaru amdy my big silver metallic bmw (now that is a tough car to cloak).

    Even with the Vette's good laser profile, shoot an unprotected headlight and readings can be gotten at thousands of feet. This course wall limited at about 1300-1400. But at RALETC's it goes past 4000!

    Very happy with the outcome with both my black C7 but even Ted's red one. Good day for Veil and our community because we now have additional options against these new guns as well as IR photo enforcement, which is something that is really being overlooked by our community. Now a driver can use Veil G5 without a need for a radar detector. In fact, every driver can not benefit from Veil which means our potential customer base just increased my several orders of magnitude world-wide. Great day for us and I really couldn't be happier.

    My hat's off to Roy for his willingness to actually test the claims we have been making with G4 (and now G5).

    Look forward to real thorough testing from the senior members of our community on all of these fronts. Veil only, Jammer Only, Veil + Jammer Combination on a host of vehicles and colors.

    Look forward to seeing some of your guys later tonight.

    Take care.

    Bob, aka Veil Guy, aka The Dragon Slayer
    V1 YAV1 LI 8.9 2008 Silverado w/427ci
    Redline EL CS-56 Dual Jammer 2004 GTO 408ci Stroker Motor
    2014 Ford GT500 V1 YAV1 LI8.9
    8500 X50 Black EL 2013 Jeep Wrangler
    all with HeadlightArmor passive counter measures
    7 decades of hauling ass

    The only way the French are going in is if we tell them we found truffles in Iraq

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