Poorly worded on my part. I will clarify. At some point expect a PT is going to happen and depending upon the type and color of the car, its shape, the type of paint that's going to occur at any given distance. That distance whatever it is, is going to be dictated by the parts of the vehicle untreated NOT treated.
On this last test series with our green civic, PTs happened at further distances when the vehicle's body itself was targeted NOT the headlights. Any lidar gun that tones during targeting in a manner that provides the operator feedback as to how much reflection of its own is being seen by the laser gun, will show this. The LZ1 is I believe the best gun for this sort of feedback. When you target an unveiled vehicle you will get tones. When you target a veiled vehicle those tones significantly drop and often go completely silent until just before a PT is reached.
I believe that Mirage's suggestion that G5 wasn't absorptive enough or it was too glossy and that would be why PTs occur. Let's say the Mirage believes that at five coats he believes G5 is effective at absorbing laser. Ok then, put that on the headlights and target versus using only one or two coats. If the expectation is that performance would substantially improve on any given vehicle, I believe that is a false assumption.
Completely eliminating reflection from the headlights and anything else treated will not prevent PTs occurring. The varing distances will be dictated more by what's left. That's what I was trying to say. I will clarify that.
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