MirageTools.net - Laser CM Reviews and Tools
RALETC.com - Radar and Laser Expert Testing Cooperative
AL PRIORITY (Quint) w/BT, RG, & STiR | V1 3.892 + YAV1 | BlackVue DR650GW-2CH
modsl55amg (03-21-2015), The Only Sarge (03-21-2015), Tman (03-21-2015)
Well of course it is! I know that. You are SUPER close. Try it with a night vision device with a laser gun at varying distances and the post the results. I would love to see that! Reflections are a funny thing. Lidar hotspots tend to be around curve convex or concave things and headlights tend not to be that way. Their curves are away from the source (therefore reflecting away from the source).
But look, your point is well taken, Mirage and I have heard you. G2 was very low gloss and we had a lot of complaints about it. Also keep in mind too that after a little bit of time Veil loses its sheen over time due to weathering. It starts out shiny and then dulls. In our tests in the field we haven't been able to confirm significant differences in dull surface versus shiny ones, so we have opted for appearance. But, I will tell you what, I will have us look at it again. Maybe we have missed something. Maybe testing more vehicles of varying shapes/configurations is in order. If you turn out to be right, I will thank you publicly thank you and RALETC for helping us make a better product.
The FDA obviously cannot regulate the Sun. The Sun just exists and still would even if the FDA declared it illegal. But staring at the Sun is not recommended (ask your eye doctor) because of a condition called solar retinopathy that you can get from staring into the Sun for too long. Also, common sense says that staring at the Sun is not eye safe. Headlights? I wouldn't look directly into the filament of the bulb, as that can cause eye damage too. Staring at the reflector from extremely close range does cause eye discomfort, because enough of the emitted light is in the visible range that you notice it.
IR lasers are even more dangerous than visible lasers because the blink reflex is not triggered. It seems painless, perhaps until you hear a pop in the back of your eyeball from your retinas overheating. That's why IR lasers can only be class I but visible lasers can be class II. http://www.lasersafetyfacts.com/reso...er-classes.pdf -- see "Techical Notes" box at the bottom. If your eyes are operating properly, you won't be able to stare into a class II visible laser for long enough for it to do damage, but IR lasers are different because you may not even know it's hitting your eye.
Veil is likely reducing the IR returns, which reduces PT distance. It's obviously not going to stop 100% of the returns (nothing's perfect) but as long as it reduces the return from the headlights below the peak you get without Veil, it seems logical that PT distance will be reduced. Where this obviously fails is if the car is returning more IR than the Veiled headlights or plate; in that case, the limiting factor will be the amount of IR returned by the car body itself.
I would suggest that @Mirage test the amount of returned IR vs. number of coats of Veil with a light meter tuned to the 905nm range (the same type that you'd typically find in a camera). Human eyes aren't very good at telling how much light is returned, and the responses of our retinas to visible light is likely nonlinear. Also, the sensors in the IR camera used to conduct the tests may also be nonlinear so it's not really possible to tell how much reduction you're getting just by looking at those videos. But since you were obviously involved with developing the product, don't you already have some data on this?
Agreed. I bought my can of G4 thinking that I was going to try to help protect only the license plate on my car, which is white. Of course, I got a nearly IPT on a BMW running no front plate at all from over 2000' away with a LiDAR gun. That car was white. I think it's safe to say that there are some cars for which Veil would be almost completely useless. That said, putting Veil on the plate, which is the strongest reflector, may help a little bit. It certainly cannot hurt. But I could not even do that because of how dark the G4 was.
Last edited by awj223; 03-21-2015 at 01:04 PM.
modsl55amg (03-21-2015), The Only Sarge (03-21-2015), Yellowcab (03-21-2015)
MirageTools.net - Laser CM Reviews and Tools
RALETC.com - Radar and Laser Expert Testing Cooperative
AL PRIORITY (Quint) w/BT, RG, & STiR | V1 3.892 + YAV1 | BlackVue DR650GW-2CH
Last edited by Veil Guy; 03-21-2015 at 01:22 PM.
MirageTools.net - Laser CM Reviews and Tools
RALETC.com - Radar and Laser Expert Testing Cooperative
AL PRIORITY (Quint) w/BT, RG, & STiR | V1 3.892 + YAV1 | BlackVue DR650GW-2CH
modsl55amg (03-21-2015)
LOL. Sorry it took so long to make THAT clear. This is my baby and perhaps I am being over protective.
I am ALWAYS up for constructive criticism or commentary and we're always looking to evolve better. If I've been misinterpreting these, then I apologize.
If you've caught some things we've overlooked, we'll whack 'em and you'll have my thanks.
This proves nothing. To me, it shows the LI's jamming. The V1 continues to alert due to how close it is to the lidar source. If you pause right before he passes the cop, you can see the cop has already moved on to the next car, yet the V1 is still alerting due to it's unreal lidar sensitivity.
One of the worst things you can be in life is blindly obedient to authority. It’s a forfeiture of your personhood—an acknowledgement of your nothingness.
-Kevin Geary
curmudgeon (03-21-2015), dukes (03-21-2015), Mirage (03-21-2015), modsl55amg (03-21-2015), The Only Sarge (03-21-2015)
MirageTools.net - Laser CM Reviews and Tools
RALETC.com - Radar and Laser Expert Testing Cooperative
AL PRIORITY (Quint) w/BT, RG, & STiR | V1 3.892 + YAV1 | BlackVue DR650GW-2CH
dukes (03-21-2015), modsl55amg (03-21-2015), Salty (03-21-2015), The Only Sarge (03-21-2015)
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