Sure, but it's important to isolate what you're testing from other external factors. If someone tells me that their wifi disconnects from their access point and they were running a Bluetooth call over cellular at the same time, the first thing I'm going to ask them to do is to switch off the call and see if the same thing happens. If it does, then there's no point in even running a test with the Bluetooth headset because the problem occurs in isolation. Likewise, if you literally cover all reflective parts of the car body and you find zero differences in PT distance with Veil on the headlights vs without, there's no point in even removing the covering and testing further. Something is flawed with the product itself and it's not blocking IR. I believe in always testing the simplest, most isolated scenarios first, because if you can find a fundamental problem with the simple scenario, there's no point in even bothering to do more complex tests (e.g. on different types of cars).
That's just bad/misleading advertising. But most people with common sense would see that this is absurd. By this logic, any car with pop-up headlights and the headlights switched off and no front plate would be completely invisible by default.
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