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  1. #1
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    Problem with False alerts

    Good morning fellow forum users,
    I'm running four sensors on my car ,

    I'm detecting a high # of poliscan alerts too many for the ALP,
    Running the latest firmware and using Poliscan false rejection setting ON!
    Yesterday I had 3 all up , Anyone else have any issues like this ? REad on please!

    Description of false alerts
    1 in the dark of night while in my driveway NO chance of real 1 there,
    1 in the afternoon as I was turning @ a round about, ( Sun was setting and was bright clear weather,
    1 in daytime lunchtime again I was turning and in cloudy weather,

    I have been told that if I point my sensors down it may reduce this ( We all know that will decrease performance of ALP not going to even attempt this as the sensors are perfectly level for max performance)
    Sensor location Pics attached
    Name:  Jammers.jpg
Views: 632
Size:  13.9 KB
    Name:  reard.jpg
Views: 664
Size:  16.3 KB

    This is not the 1st time Ive sent back a cpu or had sensor stop working and my car clearly does not use laser at all as the cruise control is a cable and it's 1998 G.M holden Vt ,

    Suggestions anyone ????? Power spike?? Hmmm I'm really confused here !

    Thankyou reading I hope this can be fixed without sending back,

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to melbVt For This Useful Post:

    modsl55amg (02-25-2015)

  3. #2
    Senior Member BestRadarDetectors's Avatar
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    Many things can Trigger a Poliscan false since there is no time for filtering them since they usually come up on you real quick. Was it the same side of the vehicle triggering the alerts? (Front vs. Rear?)
    Need Help Choosing a Radar Detector for your needs? Visit our website:, Send us a PM or call us at 1-888-229-7594
    Before looking at an Escort Radar Detector you should really check out Uniden Detectors.. Uniden R1 & R3 are the best performing radar detectors for the money.

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to BestRadarDetectors For This Useful Post:

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  5. #3
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    Thankyou BRD good see you still active on here !
    I found that the Firmware was using a old version and had a serial # issue after comparing stats and redoing the stats etc,
    I've updated to latest 4.5.2 firmware and control firmware has now been updated using the correct serial # and now Ive made a new setting USB incase the coding changed on the settings web page and maybe it was conflicting with the poliscan false alerts setting

    The filtering is very good for the ALP ,

    Ran it all summer with 0 false alerts

    I limit my set up to avoid it being found in case of vehicle search I'm running purely with the controller hidden and the flashing light aswell to avoid being busted, I use USb stick to change settings

    I'm sure the light sequence or sound is different for front and rear, Thanks I get out my lZ1 and hit it on the rear and see which sounds for front and which is for rear !

    Then this can narrow down if it's constantly coming from rear or front

    In my place residence these systems are illegal kind of depending if its ACMA or HWY Patrol that investigate , ( 904 is non restricted and in OZ must accept interference from other devices operating in same spectrum ) This is why I'm so discreet on my install the sensors scream out loud enough in the position they are mounted however not 1 fine never !!!!!

    I will post my results after runnig this for 1 week to be fair as I'm getting 3 to 9 a week ,

    Crossing fingers !

    Thankyou again BRD will take note of sound etc when hit the rear Vs front and yeah hope I dont get anymore!

    Have good day

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to melbVt For This Useful Post:

    modsl55amg (02-27-2015)

  7. #4
    Senior Member BestRadarDetectors's Avatar
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    Look at the alert LED... If Red it's coming from the Front Sensors and if Yellow it's the rear sensors. That will narrow tine troubleshooting down 50% alone. If it's the same side you can then disconnect one sensor at a time to narrow it down to the sensor or cable.
    Need Help Choosing a Radar Detector for your needs? Visit our website:, Send us a PM or call us at 1-888-229-7594
    Before looking at an Escort Radar Detector you should really check out Uniden Detectors.. Uniden R1 & R3 are the best performing radar detectors for the money.

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to BestRadarDetectors For This Useful Post:

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  9. #5
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    Has anyone ever had a cable cause this?

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    modsl55amg (02-27-2015)

  11. #6
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    I have had a faulty head that caused this issue. But my occurrence was much more frequent as in power on the system and within 5 mins it would detect a laser signal and would not stop receiving until i turned off the system (I have unlimited jam time)

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    modsl55amg (02-27-2015)

  13. #7
    Senior Member beingaware's Avatar
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    Yeah I had the same issue 6 months ago.
    Turned out to be a faulty head, warranty swap, no questions asked, has been running fine ever since.
    Give Tim a call at DGC and get it swapped.
    Make sure you tell him to turned on P/S filtering and it still triggered.
    Only thing is, you will need to unplug all your heads at the cpu and slowly reconnect each one by one until it starts to false, thus you will be able to send back the faulty head.
    Defence: ALP x 3 Front / 2 x Angled Rears | Stinger VIP Radar x 2 Patch Panels / Stinger VIP LIDAR (testing)| Escort Redline 2013 int | Escort Redline MRCT 2015 int | STI-R+ | V1 (testing) | Veil
    CM Testing: Spectre RDD Mrk IV | UltraLyte LR UX 125pps | UltraLyte LRB 125pps | Stalker LZ1 | ProLaser 2 (The Hole Finder) | Kustom Talon 2 KA | Bushnell Velocity K Band
    Intelligence: Front/Rear Dash Cam | 477MHz 2-WAY Radio
    Want your jammer setup tested? Want to confirm your RD is stealth? Send me a PM.
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  14. The Following User Says Thank You to beingaware For This Useful Post:

    modsl55amg (02-27-2015)

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