I Just purchased an AL Priority cpu and 2 normal laser heads last week from alpriorityusa.com. After installation, when I turn on the unit when I am close to a wall, I get the following:

does this happen to anyone else?

things to note:

I have updated to the latest firmware and control module firmware
I have updated done a factory reset with the 2 heads connected, after that, I ran setup to configure the parking sensors to OFF.
When I turn the unit on, this happens every time the car is facing a wall. The 2 heads are mounted in front.
My valentine one detects constant laser signals when this beeping happens.
I have checked the connections and they look fine.

Strangely, when I am NOT facing a wall and I turn the unit on, it turns on just fine and the LED light becomes blue.
However, when I run the manual sensor check, I get the same result as in the video.