Just a reminder to anyone still thinking about an ALP. On 7/21 I announced that on 8/1 extra discount on each additional sensors was going away. Instead of doing the raise across the board on all additional sensors on 8/1 we only raised the 2nd head to $249.95 leaving the 3rd, 4th & 5th head still with the $50 per head discount. This is absolutely going away for all additional sensors on 1/1.
On 1/1/15 the new prices will absolutely be as follows:
Dual System $749.95
Triple System $999.95
Quad System $1249.95
Five System $1499.95
BT $99.95 (Works on Both Android & Apple) - Android should be released within 2 weeks
RG Module $89.95 (Radar & GPS Module)
HiFI Module $99.95 - Planned Release last week of December
Radar Package $499.95 (RG Module, Sti-R Plus Antenna, Mounting Brackets & Cabling)
To show our appreciation to the early adopters we will be offering HiFi Upgrades at a discount to the first 100 customers that want to upgrade. See this thread for HiFi information:
Please no complaints about prices. We have had the lowest margins on this product worldwide for the longest time. The product is superior to its competition and there will be even more improvements planned for 2015 which will really put the ALP in a class of its own. To those that took advantage of early pricing and took a chance on a new product entering the US Market I thank you and I hope the product has met all of your expectations. I look forward to next year and I know the engineers have a full schedule already slated though most of next year and many will be happy with the additional improvements to come.
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