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Before looking at an Escort Radar Detector you should really check out Uniden Detectors.. Uniden R1 & R3 are the best performing radar detectors for the money.
For laser, I currently have a quad LI controlled by a SpeedCheetah stealth node with the keyfob stuck onto the back of the steering wheel where I hold the wheel. They use video in the UK, so them recording you move and then getting a reading is a bit of a giveaway, this way I hardly have to move a finger to kill the heads. GPS for fixed cameras is using an old UK Origin B2 with a Whistler pro radar head connected to it. The kit is ancient and is falling apart, for example my front LI heads both have broken casing brackets, but has been OK for use in the UK.
Anyway, I'm moving to Spain for good in the next few weeks and I need a more European, more stealthly and more modern install.
Being caught with any of this kit is Spain is worse than a drunk driving charge, so deep, deep stealth.
The vehicle this is all going on is a 2006 Mitsubishi Shogun Sport Equippe, so I don't want to spend more than the truck's worth.
I've done a quick bit of catch up and what I'm thinking about is a quad ALP with the STi - R+ pack, then using a Speedcheetah C50 for fixed cameras.
I was going to go for the full STi-R+ for GPS and radar and then new quad LIs but having read some posts about the Bel GPS, I've decided no.
Stinger seems to be all "gimme de cash" and no data about how good or bad it is.
I wouldn't go Blinder or Escort.
I've a mate in Spain who has a 5 head radar jammer. He was proud that the roof head stops UAVs and helicopters getting a reading. I doubt it works although the blue glow on the control face is nice and I doubt he understands the difference between radar and laser, so no mythical radar jammer for me.
So as I say, quad ALP with radar module and STi-R head all controlled by my old Speedcheetah kill switch and a SpeedCheetah C50 for GPS fixed cameras seems to be my choice...any comments or suggestions?
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