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  1. #31
    Senior Member TurboDriver's Avatar
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    So are you saying alignment is more/most important vs placement?


    -- Edit- Ok, I just found it on the other thread.
    Last edited by TurboDriver; 11-11-2014 at 03:29 PM.
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  2. #32
    Administrator Yellowcab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BestRadarDetectors View Post
    For those interested in the testing results and are concerned especially those on the other forums that were not even apart of the test let me clarify what testing is for. Testing is done to put installs against the worst possible situations against the hardest guns out there. If you want to see green across the board we could have brought the regular old guns that everyone tests with and even if your setup was not optimal the results would have been all green. What does doing that help anyone?

    I could have brought a different SX like some members possess and results would have been much better also but we are not trying to hide anything, We are pushing the installs to their max to find holes and patch them up. Not only were the tests done several degrees off axis but this course has different elevations with some hills, dips and bumps and was roughly 2400FT. When shooting a very fast gun like the SX which runs at close to 4000 pulses per second its very easy when hitting a dip if your heads are not aligned perfectly to get out of the beam area and get a fast PT. If your heads are aligned perfectly you will have some give to accommodate these road conditions and still hold the view back to the gun but if you are off these road changes could very well put the beam back to the gun out of the range and cause a PT.

    This course is by far the toughest course I have ever seen in person or on video. The hills, being off axis, the bumps in the road and position of the sun all played huge factors in helping to exploit deficiencies in some of the installations. Heads being a few or sometimes much more degrees not level and misaligned heads lead to many PTs. I have seen this not only at this event, but at many others. I am almost to the point that I want to have two day events. Day one just to inspect, adjust and align sensors prior to testing. When installing my cars, it takes an hour or two just to level and align the heads.

    With the newer guns alignment and being level is very important compared to the older LIDARs. This statement applies to both Laser Interceptor and ALP (When Blinder finally releases a firmware to jam these LIDARs I would expect this to apply to them too).

    The proof of the alignment issue can be shown by the rear installation of Nick from CarTunes. He had a very minor misalignment on his rear install. By slightly adjusting the alignment and leveling the sensors he went from PT city to JFG. He got to see how, what many would think to be small insignificant misalignment, can allow PTs to happen. He also knows how important it is to be accuratley leveled and aligned. I highly recommend Nick to be involved in any jammer installation.

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  4. #33
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    The proof of the alignment issue can be shown by the rear installation of Nick from CarTunes. He had a very minor misalignment on his rear install. By slightly adjusting the alignment and leveling the sensors he went from PT city to JFG. He got to see how, what many would think to be small insignificant misalignment, can allow PTs to happen. He also knows how important it is to be accuratley leveled and aligned. I highly recommend Nick to be involved in any jammer installation.

    His work in the installation photos is beautiful. But now he KNOWS first hand the importance of positioning, leveling, etc. As in all things, personal experience always trumps anything you read or are told. His perfectionist & artistic nature obviously will take care of the rest.

  5. #34
    Senior Member TurboDriver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yellowcab View Post
    When installing my cars, it takes an hour or two just to level and align the heads.
    Agreed. Mine was my first install but it took me over 5 hours to cut and set the heads in place, very tedious work. I have to say though they are almost as perfect to straight and level as they can get.

    Sounds like a very tough course.
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  6. #35
    Member crm's Avatar
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    Thanks to GA Speed for setting up this test and for all who attended. It was good to see the familiar faces that I usually see at the GA testing but, it was also great to meet YC and BRD in person. Thanks to YC for doing most of the shooting and BRD for answering a lot of questions that we had. My car was a new install and done very quickly and I could only adjust the heads so much on site without tools. As others have said, this course will eat up jammers if they are not perfectly installed(straight and level) due to the terrain, it goes down then, has a dip in the middle, and then goes back up, making your jammers point in all different directions. You will usually not encounter this type of terrain when getting hit with laser. It really puts a lot of strain on any jammer install. If these test were done on a straight road or an incline up or down, either one, I have no doubt that it would have been mostly JTG,JFG on almost all of the ALP systems. This test is a worst case scenario.

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  8. #36
    Senior Member kasher1979's Avatar
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    Thanks guys so much for the testing once again. Thank you all for doing all this work to keep us protected and keep it "real" in the process. That's our only protections from the crazy marketing schemes of others. Glad I am a member of the forums and know better thanks to you guys!

  9. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to kasher1979 For This Useful Post:

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  10. #37
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    Alignment is relative to what the car is doing. Until self leveling heads show up I level the heads as best as possible and know that dips or hills in the road can effect their jamming capabilities.

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  11. The Following User Says Thank You to languy99 For This Useful Post:

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  12. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by languy99 View Post
    Until self leveling heads show up I level the heads as best as possible and know that dips or hills in the road can effect their jamming capabilities.

    Whoa..wait a minute, you might be on to something there. They now have self-leveling headlights on autos and brackets for lights. It might not be that hard to do. even if you had a mount with a set screw that would self level and then tighten down the screw to hold it in place.

    Name:  bracket.jpg
Views: 1843
Size:  3.2 KB

    Sorry slightly off topic. Plus probably more pain than it's worth.
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  13. #39
    Senior Member specifics's Avatar
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    Would have to be behind a lens of sorts right?
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  14. #40
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    It basically needs to be on a self leveling mount so no matter what the car does they stay level like a camera. Like this

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