Hey Mirage..It was great to meet you yesterday..wow what a day it was!..May you send me results specifically for my car so I can get an idea where my weaknesses are?
Hey Mirage..It was great to meet you yesterday..wow what a day it was!..May you send me results specifically for my car so I can get an idea where my weaknesses are?
MirageTools.net - Laser CM Reviews and Tools
RALETC.com - Radar and Laser Expert Testing Cooperative
AL PRIORITY (Quint) w/BT, RG, & STiR | V1 3.892 + YAV1 | BlackVue DR650GW-2CH
fox in the hole (09-22-2014), itwasntme (09-23-2014)
V1 3.826 --> 3.893
V1C + YaV1
ALP quad + ALPConnect
RedRocket (09-24-2014)
Don't want the RALTEC Shootout results getting mixed with the individual user meet so please keep all meet discussion in this thread. Since there were many members and all the results were manually written on paper each sheets needs to be manually entered in a spreadsheet and will will take some time to compile. Mirage has all the sheets and will put them up in an easy to read fashion as soon as he can. These guys all have regular day jobs and families so please give them some time and they will get them up for you.
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Before looking at an Escort Radar Detector you should really check out Uniden Detectors.. Uniden R1 & R3 are the best performing radar detectors for the money.
curmudgeon (09-23-2014), fox in the hole (09-22-2014), itwasntme (09-23-2014), Mirage (09-22-2014)
There were 26 pages of data that I gave Mirage this morning. It is a lot to go through.
fox in the hole (09-22-2014), itwasntme (09-23-2014)
Said thank you already but, can't say it enough. Thank all of you guys for the meticulous care taken to record the results of all our runs. And thank you Mirage for going through the pile and making it easy to see on the screen. Totally understand that you have a life outside of this. Will be happy to have the results when you can fit it in.
curmudgeon (09-23-2014), Mirage (09-23-2014), Radarrob (09-23-2014), RedRocket (09-24-2014), Yellowcab (09-23-2014)
Thank you guys for organizing this testing session.
Mirage, once again, thank you for updating my LIs from 8.12 to 8.18!
Just goes to show how long I have been putting it off, heh.
oddpedestrian (09-23-2014)
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