Need Help Choosing a Radar Detector for your needs? Visit our website:, Send us a PM or call us at 1-888-229-7594
Before looking at an Escort Radar Detector you should really check out Uniden Detectors.. Uniden R1 & R3 are the best performing radar detectors for the money.
dinkydi (10-12-2014), kasher1979 (10-12-2014), Tman (10-13-2014)
Ask em to move it up the priority list, if it's on the drawing board
Need Help Choosing a Radar Detector for your needs? Visit our website:, Send us a PM or call us at 1-888-229-7594
Before looking at an Escort Radar Detector you should really check out Uniden Detectors.. Uniden R1 & R3 are the best performing radar detectors for the money.
dinkydi (10-12-2014), kasher1979 (10-14-2014), Yellowcab (10-12-2014)
That's great news for users
I had a thought the other day about something that would make ALPconnect very unique.
After my dash cam stuffed up I thought this might be helpful
Incorporate A DashCam mode.
Turns your phone into a dashcam with all the alerts time stamped onto the film aswell as speed. And have a quick share mode straight to youtube.
This might work well on the android phones as some are recording in 4K to record your encounters with a real time HUD of the ALPconnect inaction
I believe on Android the video camera can be specified as an "intent" thereby utilizing the built in camera app. This would help with compatibility issues. I believe not 100% sure that if you build your own camera app within the application then the camera is then required to operate the app. I realize most phones have cameras but just a consideration as one day what if there was a dedicated device that runs Android. Not saying there is, but from ALs perspective they have to consider these things. Would be a neat addition if they can make it work. - Laser CM Reviews and Tools - Radar and Laser Expert Testing Cooperative
AL PRIORITY (Quint) w/BT, RG, & STiR | V1 3.892 + YAV1 | BlackVue DR650GW-2CH
kasher1979 (10-14-2014)
curmudgeon (10-13-2014), PAPACUCU (10-29-2014), RedRocket (10-13-2014), Yellowcab (10-13-2014)
We will probably never be satisfied but we are always looking at improvements and have many things planned though next year.
Need Help Choosing a Radar Detector for your needs? Visit our website:, Send us a PM or call us at 1-888-229-7594
Before looking at an Escort Radar Detector you should really check out Uniden Detectors.. Uniden R1 & R3 are the best performing radar detectors for the money.
awj223 (10-14-2014), curmudgeon (10-13-2014), Mirage (10-13-2014), v1VR (10-14-2014)
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