Hey Yellowcab I knew that was coming..LOL!!..hey anything that can give me that edge!!..awesome meet..hope we can all do it again soon
Hey Yellowcab I knew that was coming..LOL!!..hey anything that can give me that edge!!..awesome meet..hope we can all do it again soon
Yellowcab (09-22-2014)
Rolled into home an hour ago. Heavy rain in the Poconos and a flat on the Thruway just outside of Buffalo just added to the adventure of the weekend. Thank you to the Raletc members who organized this event. An impressive array of technology and a level of expertise among the members makes me believe that the `hobby` is going to be a thorn in the side of speed enforcement for years to come
curmudgeon (09-23-2014), Mirage (09-22-2014), NYSpeederPVM (09-25-2014), Radarrob (09-22-2014), Salty (09-24-2014), specifics (09-22-2014), TeamQuack (09-24-2014), Yellowcab (09-22-2014)
Thank you all for coming out.It was nice meeting old timers and new members.Since 1997 the testing area has been a good,clean,blessing spot for us and hope it continues to be a spot for the future.To everyone who attended and brought equipment,tools ect...Thank you! To the whole RALTC team another successful meet. RALTC approved.If you would like RALTC to attend at a meet near you send us a Pm and we will do our best to attend.
Last edited by Radarrob; 09-22-2014 at 09:49 PM.
Telling the truth and exposing the lies in the lidar and radar industry
"I'm interested to see how well you do.I never seen a car JTG before would be a first for me.."
curmudgeon (09-23-2014), fox in the hole (09-23-2014), itwasntme (09-22-2014), Salty (09-24-2014), specifics (09-22-2014), Yellowcab (09-22-2014)
MirageTools.net - Laser CM Reviews and Tools
RALETC.com - Radar and Laser Expert Testing Cooperative
AL PRIORITY (Quint) w/BT, RG, & STiR | V1 3.892 + YAV1 | BlackVue DR650GW-2CH
I finally got the sheet of specifics testing. Early Sunday morning when everyone was at the meeting point. Specifics and I got done setting up and had some time so we tested his ride with some of the guns. I am fairly new to shooting but I am getting better every time. Specifics asked me to post the results for him. I don't think it's fair to post these as Official RALETC results as RALETC Shooters did all the Official shooting that day. I will be ready by the next meet for some real shooting. I used the tripod just like normal. I must of been doing something right as I managed a couple PT's.
I do want to make note that these results are from his car not the car he was driving all day on Sunday. He was in the Test car Sunday.
Last edited by RigToFly01; 09-24-2014 at 03:43 PM.
AL-PRIORITY (3 Front Heads & 2 Rear Heads) + PASSPORT MAX
PowerUCC Panorama G DashCam
Waze Royalty. Ranked 66th in CT. 772,579 points and counting!
curmudgeon (09-24-2014), itwasntme (09-24-2014), Salty (09-24-2014), specifics (09-24-2014)
Need Help Choosing a Radar Detector for your needs? Visit our website: http://www.bestradardetectors.net, Send us a PM or call us at 1-888-229-7594
Before looking at an Escort Radar Detector you should really check out Uniden Detectors.. Uniden R1 & R3 are the best performing radar detectors for the money.
specifics (09-24-2014)
This will be done by spring for sure..... I am quite pleased with the power of this ALP system though and in a real world circumstance this gives be a better than even chance of getting woowed down in time to avoid a ticket..... Notice how I jammed the SX Sunday morning too... I'll be doing some research on pulling that bumper cover and working on the grill over the winter...
Thanks RigToFly01 for posting these results as it gives me some good data....
Last edited by specifics; 09-24-2014 at 09:29 PM.
“There are three musts that hold us back: I must do well. You must treat me well. And the world must be easy.”~~~ Albert Ellis
V1 3.893; YaV1
V1 3.813 Original Version
ALP Dual
It's very hard to compare tripod shooting to what you'd see in the "wild." The tester knows the jam car is coming and concentrates on one fixed point with next to no beam shake for well over 1000'. A LEO is not sitting in his car waiting for you with baited breath in a perfectly braced position. Why? Because, it's not necessary 99% of the time to acquire a speed. Usually, even a sloppy shot gets him what he needs so, why should he be so tense and focused for a 2" putt? Even if the cop is a very experienced, proficient shooter, by the time he becomes aware he is being jammed or, not getting the speed for whatever reason, the jammer equipped car has already traveled a great distance reducing his target window substantially. Not to say this testing isn't valuable. It will show you the absolutes. It will help you fine tune your setup to maximize the precision of your return pulses.
Upon checking my front three ALP sensors when I got home, I found that they were elevated only 1-2 degrees, as best as I could tell, over true level. The rear sensors were not close to leveI and, poor results there were expected. I had recessed the front two outside sensors for a more stealth install over where they had originally been placed. After listening to BRD's recommendations, I pulled the two outside sensors back out a little bit to where they had been originally. Honestly, I don't think the emitter portions of the outside sensors were obstructed or, enclosed in anyway where they were for the test. I also don't believe one or, two degrees deviation up or, down would be the determining factor in a punch through. After seeing some of my results on test day shortly after some of the runs, I know there were several LIDARS where I was JTG. But not with the PL3 and, the Prolite where I had a couple of random punch throughs. Was it the 1 or 2 degree elevated heads or, the slightly recessed outside sensors that caused them? I don't think so. I think I have a large metallic silver, chrome beast that is very hard to cover. Every once in a while with precise, concentrated shooting, a LIDAR, will get enough pulses reflected to render a speed. I also believe that in order to be jack of all trades the ALP is not the complete master of one or two. If my install was weak I don't think I would have done so well with the TSsv where I believe I had only one sub 200' punch through or, the DE compact where I was JTG. I spent several hours yesterday fiddling with my sensors and, now have them as close to level as possible. Now it's time to get serious about cutting down on the reflective qualities of the front and rear of my Flex. I hope VG gets G5 to market soon, because that and some protective plastic covering is definitely part of my plan.
Last edited by itwasntme; 09-25-2014 at 07:56 AM.
NYSpeederPVM (09-25-2014)
BestRadarDetectors (09-25-2014), specifics (09-25-2014)
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