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Thread: "Error 2"

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  1. #11
    Senior Member BestRadarDetectors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OrlNmE View Post
    Tom, is it possible that maybe the sensor is getting a high reflection from the bottom part of the bumper?

    Ballaz, I'm no expert, but I want to throw some ideas out in case something sticks. Unless BRD or anyone else tells you not to try this, do you have a (not shiny) black flat card or something else dark that you can place directly below the heads that will stick out about 2" pass the bubble? I am curious about this because from looking at the photos, the edge of the bottom bumper has a nice reflection. It's a long shot, but it wouldn't hurt to try. I say this because if your indicating that it happens when traveling in the direction of the sun, then it sounds like to me that your getting an array reflection from something. Just a thought, I am very curious as to what is causing your problem also.
    Doubt that is the issue. We are making some changes to the firmware and most likely since its happening in the same location only when the sun is up its most likely interference. In Pre-Release versions we used to have a sun interference alert but even during sun interference the unit would still defend since the ALP automatically adjusts for the sun. The alert should not be an Error 2 when there is an interference error so it will be changed to an interference alert and we will lower the sensitivity of the warning after startup. In the latest versions we increased the sensitivity on start-up when it does a full sensor check but did not reduce it back after start-up.
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