Last night while sitting in traffic, at a standstill for about 10 min, I received a false Polliscan alert. About 4 min later I received a single "error 2" announcement. I only started using the ALP connect in ernest yesterday for a total of 4hrs drive time. 2hrs continuous driving to my destination with no falses and, no error 2s and 2 hrs continuous driving back home with one error 2 about an hour into my return trip. The error 2 alert was momentary and did not repeat itself. I power cycled the ALP about four times with no error messages. I continued driving approximately 1 hr with no more errors. The Polliscan alert I kind of expected eventually. I have the false rejection for that disabled. The parking sensor feature is disabled.
The error 2 is another story. Is it possible to get an error 2 and not have a problem with one of the sensors or their connections? Is it possible to get a "false" error 2? If I get the error 2 message does that mean a sensor is no longer working or, is it working unless I continue to get more error 2 messages? If a particular sensor has a problem, how would I know which sensor? Has anyone else gotten an error 2 in this manor?
I have been using the the standard control set up till this point for travel without issue. I have used the 1.3 connect version prior to yesterday only to verify a software updates and short testing sessions using a LIDAR. Before my trip yesterday I upgraded to the 1.4 version and lost the GPS speed indication on the application. I think that bugs being worked out though.
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