Does the ALP phone app tell you what Lidar gun you are being targeted with?
If your using your device to play music bluetoothed thru your car audio will an alert interup the music to alert you?
What if you forget your device or battery goes dead, will the ALP revert back to giving you the alert tones thru the controller automatically?
I am considring removing my LI and buying a 4 or 5 head system, i am sure i will have some more questions before i decide to switch. The main problem i have with my LI right now is the abilty to hear it over a performance exhaust/music and really have no room to install a second external speaker (i have one external speaker for my stir i can hear just fine but no room for another). I really like the ability to run an app that might allow me to hear alerts bettter along with the better performance.
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