Well since updating to the newest firmware, K band detection of Gatso24 has dropped considerably.
I thought maybe something was wrong with my setup but Dragons just confirmed it with his STI-R on ALP.
I am just uploading the video now, but normally we get about a 300 to 700m detection.
Last night and today we has only gotten about 50m...
I started to notice a change the day after I installed the new firmware.
Cameras I normally got 500m warning dropped right down which I chalked off to weather.
Then a few days back, a mobile van I normally get 300-400m off of, didn't alert until almost on top of it.
Last night, had a very close call with a van that was running K.
I was lucky because he left his hazard lights on which saved my arse...
Any suggestions on fixing this?
Is there going to be a fix?
Or option 3, I still have a copy of the last firmware, can I downgrade back to that?
Edit: Cant downgrade :/
This is really concerning...
Old firmware detection range:
This video has the same camera in it as the one that I only have 50m warning with last night.
Now this is the same camera as the one tested last night by Dragons and I (as you can see the old firmware had decent range)
Note the range and detection
This video has the failure, you will see 1 really close call, I was lucky I noticed the van on the side of the road, otherwise that would have been a $150 fine.
The second and third cameras are the same bridge ones as above, the only difference is firmware.
Dragons is uploading his video now to back this up.
Tom, ALP rep, what can we do to fix this as it seems to only affect Gatso detection...
K band falses seem to be going off in their usual spots.
I've also noticed that Poliscan alerts from the toll point are delayed as well...
Don't fully trust my setup now considering I almost got a speeding fine by the changes...
Update 3: Last nights run with Dragon.
We experienced the same extremely poor detection. (Video includes my Redline as reference).
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