OK let me try to clear something up, when you get the USB plugged into your computer, go to the ALP web site and type in your S/N and your region, after you do that it will give the options to make all the setting adjustments, then hit Download and save, next go to the next step, then down load that file and then to the next step and down load that.
When you have down loaded those 3 files then go out to the car and put the USB in the CPU of the ALP and turn the system on and it will put all those settings that you just made on the ALP CPU..
You need those 3 files for the system to run right, IF you want to change any of those settings then you would need to go back to the 3 steps and make you adjustments and safe them to the USB and then go back to the ALP CPU and down load them again into the unit.
So if what i think our asking is Can you have different settings saved on your usb the answer is not, You can only have the 3 main down loads...
http://radarandlaserforum.com/showth...riority-System, This is where you will se what i am talking about with the 3 steps.. but you can not run 3 different user settings at the same time and when you do the up date on the ALP CPU MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL THREE OF THE FILES ON THE USB DRIVE BEFORE DO THE UPDATE, NOT 1 AT A TIME.
http://www.alpupdate.com/firmware.................... Go here and type in your S/N when you get it and you will be brought to the next section, You can not view it until you enter a proper S/N.
I hope this helps
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