Due to my rear configuration i am planning to place my heads vertically
Is it really bad or i can go this way ?
Thank you.
Due to my rear configuration i am planning to place my heads vertically
Is it really bad or i can go this way ?
Thank you.
You will lose some performance, I wouldn't recommend it
20% loss in performance. Been their done that, not worth the risk
Where are you planning on mouthing them?
I plan to use a thick piece of clear plexiglass that will channel the receiving\emitting front
of the head , this piece will fit in the space between the chassis\door.
This is the general idea , it is hard to explain clealy , i should do more pics when i receive my sensors
around friday.
I used the same way with my li and the response toward my osprey is quite good .
Too bad i dont own a real gun ...i guess nobody in the all province has such tool .
Why not go with a piece of black molded plastic above the license plate
melbVt (04-09-2014)
That is also in my plans , i am exploring all the possibilities , even the good old way : under the lip.
Thanks my friend.
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