Very simple request:
Change 'Dim Mode' so that the LED is constantly illuminated with a lower level of intensity. The blinking light is obnoxious and I like having visual confirmation that the unit is on and working.
Also consider changing 'Dark Mode' so that you get a chirp when the unit finishes warm up and goes into defense mode. In dark mode, you have to enable the star-up tone in order to get audio confirmation that the unit is working.
Just a couple of features I would like to see added
-digital compass on the main screen
-recent alarms disappear when in parking mode.
-it checks and compares firmware and let you know of an update
-as well as segmentation, distinctly different audio alerts for each segment of K, just like KA band is. And the option to full noise alert on those frequencies
-GPS speed trend of the last 10 Mins of your trip, clearly showing where you got hit on the trend.
-support for Ipod with external GPS
-landscape mode
-pass lock the app
-ability to connect to 2 different CPU's at once
-support for the new NoPhoto and incoperate in one app
ALP website
-remember your last known setup
-less spread out and more compact format
ALP firmware
-all sensors up front or rear option
-removal of un-used guns that don't exist in Australia in FW, (Dragon is used in Victoria, so No )
-V1 support
-9500ci support ( it can be done )
-improved Redflex detection ( but I think that in the STIR firmware)
-update the STIR via ALP
Last edited by shanetrainST; 07-21-2014 at 08:48 PM.
Does that include the removal of Dragon? No thanks...
Last edited by winterbrew; 07-21-2014 at 09:53 PM.
2 x ALPriority (Quint) with STi-R+ and BT/HiFi/GPS integration | V1C (sold) | Bel RX65 S7 | 2015 Intl Redline Pro-A (sold) | Uniden R3 | Uniden LRD950 (sold) | Stalker Lidar | UltraLyte LRB | Kustom Raptor RP-1 2 x K band, 1 x Ka band antennas | Decatur Genesis-II K band |
What is the point of removing support for ANY guns? As long as having the support there doesn't cause falses, it doesn't hurt anything to have it, even if you never see those guns.
dinkydi (07-21-2014)
agreed better to have them all
To remove false's, as winter said above ^^^^
I too have had the Camea false alert.
Just want to see all the guns/units only used in Europe only gone, besides Policscan
dinkydi (01-09-2015)
we could make a list of falses only so they could apply these to our next update camea is one of them ...really wouldn't want them to turn off all guns not used self and winter will sure complain when our pl2 and stalker and other older guns we come across to test with
so if camea is the only false why have all other guns disabled ? would realy hate to see all other guns disabled because of one camea/IR camera
make the list
Last edited by deano; 07-22-2014 at 05:02 AM.
So I'm really digging the new HiFi module! I've been eagerly awaiting it for a while and am very glad it's finally here. HUGE improvement over the standard beeps.
One thing I noticed is that at startup, even if you select the "Silent power-up" and "Skip first warmup" options checked, the ALP still shouts "Active!" at startup. I get that there's two parts, the power-up procedure and then the normal operation of the jammers and that the power-up procedure is independent of the announcement that the jammers are now operational (especially helpful after a JTK), but it would be really helpful to be able to truly get a silent power-up when the option is selected.
A couple people have mentioned that the announcement startles their passengers. For me I run my speakers at volume 5 so that I can hear it while driving and, well, it is very loud when sitting in a parking spot.The high pitched beep with the standard control module was also a bit ear-piercing at loud volumes, so a truly silent option would be very much welcomed.
Some people mentioned they like having an audio confirmation so perhaps 3 options would be very helpful.
1) Normal operation with all sounds on at startup
2) Shorter audio startup like we have now to verify that the speakers are working
3) Totally silent option where only the lights light up upon startup
jdong (01-06-2015)
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