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Before looking at an Escort Radar Detector you should really check out Uniden Detectors.. Uniden R1 & R3 are the best performing radar detectors for the money.
What needs to happen (based on alittle reading) is ALP needs to add a feature or option to select Hands-Free Profile. That way the apps audio is using HFP phone kernel settings which can then override any vehicle sound source selection just like Waze or an incoming phone call.
Last edited by dukes; 05-05-2014 at 03:46 PM.
Not Sure if this is possible but..
Could could the ALP be used with OpenStreetMaps which contains free maps data and PSL of most roads (NavFree on the Iphone uses this Map database)
When traveling at PSL the ALP would go into detection mode
When traveling above it would switch back to defense
If you get hit with lidar then it will defend until you get back to PSL or an automatic 9second max kill.
Obviously the Iphone GPS would have control over this.
Just a thought
or Alternatively a set point mode, with for example (50kph 60kph 80kph 110kph) button available on the ALPconnect, so you can select PSL and it will do the same as above, just a little more manual. System default back to defense after 30mins to prevent driver forgetting. Make for life so much easier
Last edited by shanetrainST; 05-14-2014 at 02:36 AM.
Last edited by Mirage; 05-14-2014 at 06:28 AM. - Laser CM Reviews and Tools - Radar and Laser Expert Testing Cooperative
AL PRIORITY (Quint) w/BT, RG, & STiR | V1 3.892 + YAV1 | BlackVue DR650GW-2CH
shanetrainST (05-14-2014)
I'd be thinking map data from Navteq or Sensis in Australia would be pretty accurate. They are usually pretty good about updates every 12 weeks or so too.
Could alp just make the led solid on instead of blinking when in idle mode?
Great idea and auto dimming
Not sure if this is already an option, but a dedicated button to switch the unit to receive mode rather than kill power altogether to JTK.
I love being able to do that on my 905's to JTK and still know how long I'm getting shot for since I don't have to power the whole unit down.
curmudgeon (05-29-2014)
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