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    Senior Member shanetrainST's Avatar
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    RALF Australia - Radar and Laser Inforomation

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    Highlighted in red = RD's Are Banned & LIDAR Jammers *

    * Refer to WA section regarding LIDAR Jammers

    X-band & Ku-band Are not used anywhere in Australia, only K-band & KA-band

    Western Australia

    Legal To Own And Use A Radar Detector. From 12/12/2017 LIDAR Jammers are illegal to use, along with licence plate obscuring devices

    Radar Frequency Range
    K-Band (24.000GHz up to 24.250GHz)
    Ka-Band (34.200GHz up to 35.200GHz)

    Frequency's Reported
    K-band (Kustom Signals 24.125 GHz +/- 100 MHz), generally 24.121 - 24.133 GHz for Kustom Signals gear. Highest seen 24.146 GHz, lowest seen, 24.104 GHz (covered by seg K4, 24.100-24.150 GHz on Escort/Bel RD's)

    Ka-band : None reported

    Decatur Genesis
    Kustom Signals KR10-SP
    Kustom Signals Eagle
    Kustom Signals Falcon HR
    Multinova 6F (not in use)
    Jenoptik RRS24F-ST3 (MRCT) - 3D radar tracking sensor (k band, 24.08, 24.12, 24.16 GHz)
    Jenoptik TraffiStar S590 - speed and redlight 3D tracking radar, multiple lanes
    JenoptikTraffiStar SR390.- speed and redlight 3D tracking radar, multiple lanes

    LTI Ultralyte
    LTI Ultralyte Compact
    LTI TruSpeed (repeating VPR anti-jam version)
    LTI TruCam (repeating VPR anti-jam)
    LTI TruSpeed Se
    LTI TruSpeed Sxb

    Mobile Laser-Lidar Used
    Vitronic Poliscan M1 / M1 HP ( In Full Use )
    Vitronic Poliscan FM1
    Jenoptik TraffiStar S350 - lidar based speed monitoring, multiple lanes, similar to poliscan
    Jenoptik TraffiStar S350M - lidar based speed monitoring (mobile version), multiple lanes, similar to poliscan

    Optical Systems Used

    Induction Loop Systems Used
    Jenoptik Robot GmbH TraffiStar SR520
    REDFLEX red-speed HDX

    South Australia

    Illegal To Use Radar Detector / LIDAR Jammers

    Radar Frequency Range
    K-Band (23.900GHz up to 24.250GHz)
    Ka-Band - Is not used in South Australia. Enable in your RD, just in case ( but do not segment )

    Frequency's Reported
    24.044 Redflex
    24.055 Redflex
    24.066 Redflex
    24.080 Redflex
    24.077 Redflex
    23.950 Redflex
    24.059 Redflex
    24.150 Silver Eagle Patrol Car
    24.155 Silver Eagle Patrol Car
    24.165 Silver Eagle Patrol Car
    24.175 Silver Eagle Patrol Car
    24.080 Highway Patrol

    Kustom Signals KR10-SP
    Kustom Signals Eagle
    Redflex Radar Cam

    LTI Ultralyte
    LTI Truspeed

    Shanetrain's Foot notes:
    Rear Facing Redflex Mobile Units, Operating on 24.070 +/- 10MHz, your RD will give you little warning to this one.


    Illegal To Use Radar Detector / LIDAR Jammers

    Radar Frequency Range
    K-Band (24.000GHz up to 24.250GHz)
    Ka-Band (34.200GHz up to 35.200GHz)

    Frequency's Reported
    K-band - 24.125 +/- 25MHz (Gatso)
    Ka-band - 33.3GHz (might be leaky RD) 34.700, 34.900, 35.100, 35.500, 34.700

    Redline Band Segmentation
    Ka-band - N1, N5, N6, N8

    AntiLaser Priority STIR Segmentation
    K-band - K4
    Ka-band - N1, N5, N6, N8

    Decatur Genesis
    Gatso Radar

    LTI Truspeed
    LTI TruCam
    LTI Ultralyte LBR

    Mobile Laser-Lidar Used
    Vitronic Poliscan ( Reported )

    Average Speed Camera (P2P)
    • Bruce Highway (southbound direction), between Landsborough and Elimbah, and
    • Mount Lindesay Highway (north and southbound direction) between Jimboomba and Park Ridge South.

    BeingAware's Foot notes:
    Gatso24 detection best with your STI-R+/9500CI/Redline head mounted vertically to allow for the polarized radar beam).
    Having the head vertical will improve detection and reduce false's considerably.

    New South Wales

    Illegal To Use Radar Detector / LIDAR Jammers

    Radar Frequency Range
    K-Band (24.000GHz up to 24.250GHz)
    Ka-Band (34.200GHz up to 35.200GHz)

    Frequency's Reported
    K-band - 24.090, 24.100, 24.150, 24.130
    Ka-band - 34.700, 34.880, 34.900, 35.500

    Redflex Mobile Units
    Kustom Signals Eagle K-band & KA-band

    LTI Truspeed
    LTI TruCam
    Kustom Signals Prolaser III
    Kustom Signals Prolaser 4

    Mobile Laser-Lidar
    Vitronic Poliscan ( Reported )


    Illegal To Use Radar Detector / LIDAR Jammers


    Radar Frequency Range
    K-Band (24.000GHz up to 24.250GHz)
    Ka-Band (34.200GHz up to 35.200GHz)

    Frequency's Reported
    23.950, 24.166, 24.125, (Gatso 24.139 GHz To 24.143 GHz)

    Ka-band 34.700, 34.900, 34.710, 34.847, 34.753, 34.745, 34.734, 34.720, 34.717, 34.708

    Silver Eagle
    Silver Eagle II
    Stalker Dual DSR
    Directional Golden Eagle II
    Falcon HR
    Raptor RP-1
    Directional Talon
    Stalker II SDR

    Pro-Lite +
    Prolaser 4
    DragonEye Compact

    Mobile Laser-Lidar
    Vitronic Poliscan ( Reported )

    Northern Territory

    Illegal To Use Radar Detector / LIDAR Jammers

    Radar Frequency Range
    K-Band (24.000GHz up to 24.250GHz)
    Ka-Band (34.200GHz up to 35.200GHz)

    MPH Bee 3
    Kustom Signals KR10-SP

    LTI Ultralyte

    Mobile Laser-Lidar
    Redflex Lasercam Unit ( Reported )

    Last edited by winterbrew; 02-21-2019 at 10:55 PM. Reason: WA Poli FM1 & TraffiStar SR520

  2. The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to shanetrainST For This Useful Post:

    beingaware (03-17-2014), BestRadarDetectors (03-17-2014), curmudgeon (03-17-2014), dinkydi (03-17-2014), dragons (03-17-2014), GHZ1 (07-20-2014), L&R (03-18-2014), Mechanoid (07-21-2014), melbVt (09-09-2016), Mirage (03-19-2014), Radarrob (03-19-2014), RedRocket (03-17-2014), System (07-23-2017), winterbrew (03-17-2014), Yellowcab (03-17-2014)

  3. #2
    Senior Member dragons's Avatar
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    I've seen 34.7 too many times to discount Stalkers in QLD.

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to dragons For This Useful Post:

    dinkydi (03-17-2014), shanetrainST (03-17-2014)

  5. #3
    Senior Member beingaware's Avatar
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    Illegal To Use Radar Detectors / LIDAR Jammers

    Radar Frequency Range
    K-Band 24.125MHz centred.
    Ka-Band 33.4~ 34.7, 34.9, 35.1, 35.5.

    Frequency's Reported
    K-band 24.125 -/+ 25MHz (Gatso) (Confirmed from .113 up to .146)
    Ka-band 33.4GHz~ (might be leaky RD)
    34.7, 34.9, 35.1, 35.5.

    Redline Band Segmentation
    K-band - Nill Possible
    Ka-band N1, N5, N6, N8

    AntiLaser Priority STIR Segmentation
    K-band K4 (add K5 if you don't trust the Gatso drift but you will get about 75% more falses) Also note, if you often go over the boarder into NSW, open up K1, K2, K3 and K5 (but only when going over otherwise you are in for false city in QLD) as well to allow for their K band radar.
    Ka-band N1, N5, N6, N8

    Decatur Genesis
    Gatso Radar

    LTI Truspeed
    LTI TruCam
    LTI Ultralyte LBR

    Mobile Laser-Lidar Used
    Vitronic Poliscan ( Reported )

    Foot notes:
    Gatso24 detection best with your STI-R+/9500CI/Redline head mounted vertically to allow for the polarised radar beam).
    Having the head vertical will improve detection and reduce falses considerably.
    Last edited by beingaware; 03-18-2014 at 07:24 PM.
    Defence: ALP x 3 Front / 2 x Angled Rears | Stinger VIP Radar x 2 Patch Panels / Stinger VIP LIDAR (testing)| Escort Redline 2013 int | Escort Redline MRCT 2015 int | STI-R+ | V1 (testing) | Veil
    CM Testing: Spectre RDD Mrk IV | UltraLyte LR UX 125pps | UltraLyte LRB 125pps | Stalker LZ1 | ProLaser 2 (The Hole Finder) | Kustom Talon 2 KA | Bushnell Velocity K Band
    Intelligence: Front/Rear Dash Cam | 477MHz 2-WAY Radio
    Want your jammer setup tested? Want to confirm your RD is stealth? Send me a PM.
    <a href= target=_blank rel=nofollow></a>

  6. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to beingaware For This Useful Post:

    dinkydi (03-17-2014), dragons (03-17-2014), Mechanoid (07-21-2014), melbVt (03-19-2014), shanetrainST (03-17-2014)

  7. #4
    Senior Member shanetrainST's Avatar
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    Well Queensland is nearly done, thanks to BA

    Might need some input from MelbVt on Victoria

    Do we have anyone here who can help with darwin?

  8. #5
    Senior Member dinkydi's Avatar
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    well done congrats to you both

  9. #6
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    In Victoria
    I often see these and actually had some notes on this!
    ka band 34.7Gh ( Stalker)
    Ka band 34.900 (kustom eagle Ka model)
    K band 23.950, 24.166 (some fixed red light speed cameras,)
    ( A fixed camera may appear with 24.166 & 24.125 watch as car passes you get hit each time )
    K 24.125 ( Possible multi radar cd )
    k 24. 150 ( Kustom eagle k Band model Usually in paddy wagon or older patrol car)

    I recommend these settings for Victoria k 1 on k2 on , Ka band 5 & 6 on, X off, SWS off, RDR off,Pop off, laser off ( If u have separate jamming system)

    And I often see radars drifting and often turn off GPS to learn interferences as my suburb is full of interference!
    Using my police verification data this has enabled me to work out my false alerts using google maps and even usually can spot the google markers on servo doors or a antenna! or in the incident of leo You see it in a car lane ! Yeah that rocks!
    I suggest been alert to your surroundings and get to know your system ,
    When driving threw lockouts I tend to drive cautiously to avoid getting owned and not being aware due to Lockout Its like the leo's know where the false alerts are they tend to hang near them often! lol

  10. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to melbVt For This Useful Post:

    dinkydi (03-19-2014), Mechanoid (07-21-2014), shanetrainST (03-19-2014), winterbrew (03-20-2014)

  11. #7
    Senior Member shanetrainST's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melbVt View Post
    In Victoria
    I often see these and actually had some notes on this!
    ka band 34.7Gh ( Stalker)
    Ka band 34.900 (kustom eagle Ka model)
    K band 23.950, 24.166 (some fixed red light speed cameras,)
    ( A fixed camera may appear with 24.166 & 24.125 watch as car passes you get hit each time )
    K 24.125 ( Possible multi radar cd )
    k 24. 150 ( Kustom eagle k Band model Usually in paddy wagon or older patrol car)

    I recommend these settings for Victoria k 1 on k2 on , Ka band 5 & 6 on, X off, SWS off, RDR off,Pop off, laser off ( If u have separate jamming system)

    And I often see radars drifting and often turn off GPS to learn interferences as my suburb is full of interference!
    Using my police verification data this has enabled me to work out my false alerts using google maps and even usually can spot the google markers on servo doors or a antenna! or in the incident of leo You see it in a car lane ! Yeah that rocks!
    I suggest been alert to your surroundings and get to know your system ,
    When driving threw lockouts I tend to drive cautiously to avoid getting owned and not being aware due to Lockout Its like the leo's know where the false alerts are they tend to hang near them often! lol
    Cheers melbvt, is there anything I have missed in the lidars guns for Victoria, if you have been hit it will be in your ALP history

  12. #8
    Senior Member dragons's Avatar
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    I have BA's redline at the moment, I seg'd it, since I have done it I am getting more KA alerts than before, it seems the local boys are using I/O quite a bit, I have had a number of 35.1 and 34.7 alerts.

    Kudos to Shane and BA for contributing so much great information, I am sure it will be of help to a lot of us.

  13. #9
    Senior Member dragons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shanetrainST View Post
    Well Queensland is nearly done, thanks to BA

    Might need some input from MelbVt on Victoria

    Do we have anyone here who can help with darwin?
    How about Tassie, would be great to have some info in case any of us visit down there.

  14. #10
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    Quick question.. Do the Bee III's in North Australia run something other than 33.8 like they do here in the States?

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