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  1. #1
    Administrator Yellowcab's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Behind a LIDAR gun
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    Forum Rules

    1. By registering as a member of (RALF), you acknowledge that your are not employed in any capacity by any law enforcement agency, any entity that enforces traffic law, any manufacturer and/or vendor of traffic and/or speed enforcement equipment.

    2. Pornographic, objectionable, illegal and any materials deemed offensive by the staff of RALF are not permitted. All materials posted or linked must be
    G rated. Please only post material and language suitable for home or office. You are not permitted to post foul language, racial epithets, sexual or explicit content, insults, attacks on individuals, or references that degrade anyone based on their race, color, creed, or sexual preference. Additionally, trolling and flaming are not permitted.

    3. Do not post any copyrighted material unless you are the copyright owner, or have written permission from the owner. Do not quote an article in its entirety: instead, use a few quote sand link to the original article.

    4. No discussion of illegal activity or material is permitted. Linking to a website which deals or advocates illegal activity or material is not permitted. Additionally, posting information on how to defraud a company, misuse a product or service, or promoting illegal activity will not be tolerated.

    5. ALl member's privacy is to be respected. You are not permitted to post names, email addresses, pictures, phone numbers, addresses, occupations or place of occupation of any other member of RALF.

    6. The resources of RALF are not to be used as a means to attack or harass any individual or group.

    7. By registering at RALF, you certify that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age.

    8. If you have any incentive to promote product through direct compensation, discounted products or services from any business, individual or entity, it must be disclosed in any posts by the member wherever they choose to promote their product or service on our forum. Additionally, anyone wishing to wishing to promote a product or service under the aforementioned parameters must obtain permission from one of RALF's administrators first.

    9. Any member who acts, behaves or conducts him or herself in a manner that could potentially harm RALF or this community is subject to an infraction or loss of privileges. Examples of conduct which violates this rule include but are not limited to: a. intentionally testing with and/or jamming to/from gun (JTG/JFG) with any entity listed in rule 1, and/or any entity whose primary purpose is other than testing. b. Testing equipment in any entity listed in rule 1. c. Collaborating with any entity listed in rule 1, which could educate them on how to defeat our equipment. d. manipulating testing to falsely prove one product or service is better than another. e. intentionally posting false or misrepresenting information on RALF or any other website.

    10. Post padding is not permitted.

    11. Each member shall only have one account on RALF.

    12. RALF reserves the right, in our sole discretion to remove a user's privilege to post or read content on our website. RALF reserves the right to edit, move or delete a member's topic, post or reply if the contents violates any of the rules, or at the discretion of an administrator or moderator. Additionally, at the administrators and moderators of RALF's discretion a member may be permanently banned or temporarily suspended for violating any of the forum's rules. Members who are temporarily suspended or permanently banned who re-register with a new account may have all of their accounts deactivated without notice and will be permanently banned from RALF.

    13. Please report any activity which violates any of the rules listed. Although the forum's administrators and moderators do our best to keep objectionable and prohibited content off of RALF, it is impossible for us to review all content.

    14. Any submission to RALF in any form be it written, photographs, videos, or any other media becomes the property of RALF.

    15. All decisions made by the administrators and moderators are final.

    16. RALF reserves the right to change these rules at any time with or without notice.

    Telling the truth and exposing the lies in the LIDAR industry

  2. The Following 28 Users Say Thank You to Yellowcab For This Useful Post:

    angrypenguin (10-20-2016), beingaware (02-02-2014), curmudgeon (02-01-2014), dinkydi (02-01-2014), dmlgc (09-03-2015), fibuz (06-01-2015), gotwaves (02-10-2020), hammerdown (02-04-2014), j_persons (11-12-2014), max (02-01-2014), melbVt (03-01-2014), modsl55amg (02-05-2015), oddpedestrian (12-23-2014), PAPACUCU (09-15-2014), patsy1099 (03-21-2014), Qui-Gon (02-08-2014), radargeek (02-02-2014), Radarrob (02-02-2014), RedRocket (02-01-2014), rustysnyper (11-13-2014), Salty (02-04-2014), Sparkal (02-21-2015), Starce (09-04-2016), Tifosielia (01-04-2015), V1Jockey (04-27-2015), v1VR (09-18-2014), winehead (08-17-2017), Won Hunglo (02-02-2014)

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