Hi there fellow Aussies,
Im looking to save som $$$ as I want to remain using the Stir Plus GPS and radar alerts only, So to use the aerial for the Al renders the Stir Plus alerts useless,
I have some pro's and con's and at present have found that when using the Al with Stir radar head its too sensitive and is useless however the Al will work more discreet with GPS a plugged in as it turns into parking sensor when you select user defined speed setting to prevent being shot by cop at set lights after he shot you 5mins ago and want see why it jammed for 4 secs! Great idea!
To do this I've tried using Rj45 with rj65 and came across a problem It plugs together & theirs no response sadly,
Truly Al should be making these adaptors in conjunction with Beltronics,
Im also keen to make a usb power on switch so i can flick a switch when i get pulled over wipeing the firmware to parking sensor and then even if they find power on switch it cant rewrite PDC & PDC LID as you 1 usb stick = 1 firmware type very clever!
I truly suggest hold off and wait untill the Al is complete in its design process, as I found out i need to buy HI Fi Control to hear descriptive alerts, What a shame that Al never gave us the option to buy Hi fi instead the plain controller that comes,
My opion is these add ons are a way for them to make extra cash and yet there very usefull, However look at the cost of each peace add it up and then see what you think ,
Overall I'm content using mine as its saved me 7times= loss licence! OH NO,
Please help suggest how to overcome my drama of using my gps ariel into both the al and the bel stir Plus, Makes sense for the Radar /GPS add on to come with a splitter etc
Thats my drama for the week!
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