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  1. #1
    Moderator Salty's Avatar
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    Atlanta Mom, Infant Rescued During Winter Storm Leon Gridlock

    Here's what I don't understand. I get that you guys down south don't get much snow. But wtf is this about? Multi car accidents, cars turned over, apocalyptic scenes because of a little bit of snow? Are Georgians really unable to drive in a little bit of snow?

  2. #2
    Senior Member RedRocket's Avatar
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    Bald summer tires & Drivers inexperienced about winter driving skills completes the recipe for the kinda mess described in the article.

  3. #3
    Senior Member GA Speed's Avatar
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    We don't have any salt spreaders and just as the snow started everyone left work causing total gridlock.

    We had the same problem back in 2011. So I just stayed home the past two days. I have a few friends that took them over 16 hours to get home only 15 miles.

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  4. #4
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    Remember Nashville Tenn being shut down for a week back in 68 - 69 due to 4 inches of snow. As a Yankee, I thought it was just hysterical.

    4 " snow here just fills the potholes, allowing you to go faster
    Last edited by curmudgeon; 01-29-2014 at 08:05 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member GA Speed's Avatar
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    Yeah I grew up in Indiana and have been down there for about 8 years.

    I just knew it was going to be a problem. Without the salt they just pack the snow into ice and its all over with then.

    They try and spread sand and gravel on the roads and hope it will work. All it does is bust windshield in a few days when the roads are open again.

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  6. #6
    Senior Member GA Speed's Avatar
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    Not my video but they are still cleaning this one up.

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  8. #7
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    Didn't they only get 2" of snow? Could you imagine if it came 2 ft in the states that rarely see snow? Half the population would die.

  9. #8
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    What do you get when you combine...
    • A large number of people on summer only tires
    • No one with any idea what a winter tire is (aren't my all season tires good enough?)
    • A large number of people riding on tires until the cords show
    • Most people drive on snow or ice once every 5 to 7 years here...
    • The government did NOTHING to prepare aside from sending what little equipment they had south...
    • After the roads were gridlocked they tried to bring sand and rock spreaders out, but they couldnt get through traffic...
    • A population of 1million plus all leaving work within 30 minutes of each other
    • 3 main roads to get a majority of the said 1 million out of town.... hell the all three combine into 1 road in the heart of the city (400, 85, 75)

    Personally I knew what was coming and have been working from home since Monday given my RWD car with summer tires and no snow experience.
    Last edited by licwid; 01-29-2014 at 11:32 PM.

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  10. #9
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  11. The Following User Says Thank You to GotWake For This Useful Post:

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  12. #10
    Moderator Salty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GA Speed View Post
    Not my video but they are still cleaning this one up.

    That's just RIDICULOUS! There's not even any snow on some parts of the road. I mean, c'mon...
    Quote Originally Posted by licwid View Post
    What do you get when you combine...
    • A large number of people on summer only tires
    • No one with any idea what a winter tire is (aren't my all season tires good enough?)
    • A large number of people riding on tires until the cords show
    • Most people drive on snow or ice once every 5 to 7 years here...
    • The government did NOTHING to prepare aside from sending what little equipment they had south...
    • After the roads were gridlocked they tried to bring sand and rock spreaders out, but they couldnt get through traffic...
    • A population of 1million plus all leaving work within 30 minutes of each other
    • 3 main roads to get a majority of the said 1 million out of town.... hell the all three combine into 1 road in the heart of the city (400, 85, 75)

    Personally I knew what was coming and have been working from home since Monday given my RWD car with summer tires and no snow experience.
    I still have summer tires on my car, and they are balding. Yes, I will change them soon. But I've driven in 12 ft of snow with these tires. I understand some don't have the experience, but to see a multi car crash like in the vid GA posted, with that little snow is just ridiculous.

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