Here is some info from dat link fellow friends see its mountable that may mean it was in rear of station wagon possible it has dark tinted windows, Now thats going to be a bit tricky to snap I'm going to have to be a pest a snap a pic when i see it set up next I park D car and go and snap a few pics quickly when i see it out next,
Wish me luck till then read below compliments to Antilaser! (Thankyou for saving my licence MR ANTILASER I OWE U 1)
MultaRadar CD - Mobile speed radar for speed enforcement
Precise speed enforcement by radar in various locations
Mobile radar unit Multaradar CD zoomMobile radar unit Multaradar CD
Multaradar CD for mobile speed enforcement zoomMultaradar CD for mobile speed enforcement
The MultaRadar CD mobile speed radar allows accurate measurement of speed violations in road traffic – very flexible and in constantly changing locations! The features of the precise high-tech radar measurement device satisfy the requirements of the tough and rapid use demanded of mobile radar devices on the road.
Rapid mounting
Accurate radar measurement with immediate evaluation
Monitoring across multiple traffic lanes
Night use with flash technology for driver recognition
Highly future-proof thanks to its flexible system concept
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