Seem if the government get it stuff together we might have someone on our side not the Leo's to contest fines
So there underhanded tactics dont go UN-noticed
Article from the paper -
MOTORISTS are demanding an independent ombudsman be appointed to investigate complaints about speed and red-light camera fines issued by police.
And the State Government says the idea "has merit'' and will investigate how such an office would operate.
An RAA survey of nearly 500 motorists found two-thirds of drivers wanted an ombudsman, rather than police, to investigate the tens of millions of dollars worth of fines issued each year by hundreds of traffic cameras operating on South Australian roads.
The majority of drivers also believe mobile speed cameras are not located in areas with high accident rates and are used only for revenue raising.
The RAA says an independent umpire would bring clarity to the complaints process and give drivers confidence in the use of speed and red-light cameras.
"Having someone independent when seeking a review of fines gives more transparency and accountability,'' the RAA's Charles Mountain said.
"It will separate the same people who undertake the enforcement of fines and collection of revenue from the reviewing process.''
The RAA, which has more than 500,000 members, will lobby the Labor and Liberal parties for the introduction of an ombudsman in the lead up to the March state election.
Mr Mountain said an ombudsman should fulfil a similar role to the Road Safety Camera Commissioner appointed to manage the Victorian network in 2011. This includes investigating camera locations and accuracy, as well as individual complaints lodged with him.
Under current procedures SA drivers can request police to review a fine and, if dissatisfied with the outcome, they can pursue the matter in court.
Independent MP Bob Such has long called for the creation of an ombudsman position and said he welcomed the survey's findings and RAA's support.
"Having an independent person will restore confidence in system, which many believe is about revenue raising,'' Mr Such said. "And it is fundamental to justice that you don't have to ask Caesar to review the work by Caesar.''
Police Minister Michael O'Brien said the Government was "always happy to discuss road-safety suggestions from the RAA''.
"I believe this idea has merit, and I'm keen to learn more about how this has operated in other jurisdictions,'' he said.
Northern suburbs resident Kerry Faggotter wants the introduction of an ombudsman after a speed camera was hidden behind her work van outside her aquarium business on Main North Rd,in Para Hills West in August.
She was alerted to the camera's location after receiving "abusive'' calls from people - some who threatened her safety and accused her of "being on the take" with police to catch passing motorists.
"I support the creation of an independent ombudsman 100 per cent,'' she said.
Ms Faggotter made a complaint to police about the location of the camera, the harm done to her business reputation and the abuse she copped.
She was unhappy with the response.
Police said the camera was placed "with policy guidelines''.
"However, it is unfortunate that the final placement resulted in adverse public comments and camera operators have now been briefed so as to avoid a similar circumstances in the future,'' police said.
I Do like the statement from fish haven lol
"We have been parking our van there for 16 years and he has decided to use it for cover. Since it was brought to our attention by many many phone calls we have moved our van to expose the camera and have taken record of the guys car rego and ID number and we will be making a complaint"
Needless to say; the camera operators actions are completely unacceptable and this person/contractor should be held to account. However, like all these things I have no doubt SAPOL and Labor will fog this off and continue with this reckless action.
If you really want to make some kind of change then consider voting for Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party at the upcoming election.
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