Quote Originally Posted by Abarth695 View Post
Im a bit peed off that I can basically no longer use my iPhone 6 iOS 8 in my car.
I don't know who is to blame and have had to reconnect the control pad.
Is it Apples fault? They have a new phone, so, the way I look at it, isn't it the developers who build the Apps the people who are responsible to ensure the App works, NOT the other way around?
Im not trying to be a pr... am just trying to understand when and who should be fixing it and, I don't see it is necessarily Apple. AS stated, if it is something in the iPhone 6 that is hindering the communication to the b/t module, then if developers develop apps for the Apple system, its more logical the ALP have to do the research to see what is the issue that their App is compatible.
On the other hand, I do see how bugs Apples side can prevent an App from working
So, is it the chicken or is it the egg?
Mine works perfect Iphone 6+ and IOS 8

Also works perfect with my Ipod touch and IOS 8