Received the final parts yesterday. Powered up the system. Instead of a flashing green LED every second I am getting a flashing blue light. I went over the Manual again. I did not see anything regarding flashing blue. Thanks in advance.
Received the final parts yesterday. Powered up the system. Instead of a flashing green LED every second I am getting a flashing blue light. I went over the Manual again. I did not see anything regarding flashing blue. Thanks in advance.
Please see this thread...
Blinking blue means you are in defense mode. You had your unit installed and Rob had the unit setup for testing which is in unlimited defense mode. You should visit the and set the unit to your preferences. I would suggest setting the LID time at anywhere from 4-5 seconds.
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Before looking at an Escort Radar Detector you should really check out Uniden Detectors.. Uniden R1 & R3 are the best performing radar detectors for the money.
^ - Hold off on doing that "RigToFly01"...leave it in unlimited "defense" mode for the present time !
I'm sending you a "PM".
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