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  1. #1
    Senior Member BestRadarDetectors's Avatar
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    First Steps Required After Installing Your AL Priority System

    ** IMPORTANT ** - If you plan to install your ALP using Bluetooth instead of the Control Module you still need to update the ALP using the following instructions with the Control Module connected. Once the unit is fully updated you can disconnect the Control Module and plug in your Bluetooth module and all will be good. You will not be able to update the CPU for the first update using the Bluetooth module. Once the initial firmware update is done you may switch to the Bluetooth and all future updates will work fine with only the Bluetooth module connected.

    The AL Priority was designed as a parking aid and once installed they are full fledged parking sensors out of the box. If you would like to activate advanced functions of the AL Priority to give you warning for interference or defense from laser guns you will to take the following steps:

    Step 1

    Update the firmware of your AL Priority - Go to Under Firmware Upgrade hit the enter button:

    Name:  Firmware Upgrade.jpg
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    On the next screen it will ask for your Serial Number, Enter Serial number of your CPU and hit the OK Button:
    Name:  Serial Number.jpg
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    After you hit the OK button an Equation will appear asking a simple math problem to verify you are a human, Put the answer in the box and hit the Press To Download button:

    Name:  equasion.jpg
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    Save file to a Fat 16 or Fat 32 formatted USB Drive.

    Step 2

    Usually with Firmware updates there is a matching Control Set Firmware that will also need to be downloaded: The Control set (Either the Standard or HiFi) firmware is listed on the same page as the CPU Firmware and will look like the following:

    Standard Controller: (Non HiFi) - you will need to download the current UCSET.bin file: (Green Download Button)

    Name:  Control-Set.jpg
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    If you have the HiFi Controller you will need to download the current UCSTHIFI.BIN file: (Purple Download Button) and choose either the Male or Female Voice Pack (VOICEPCK.ALP)

    Name:  download_hifi_cset.jpg
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    Save the file UCSET.bin (Standard Controller) or UCSTHIFI.BIN + VOICEPCK.ALP (HiFi Controller) to the same USB Drive that you saved the CPU firmware to.

    Step 3

    Go back to the ALP update site (The main home page) and this time under SETUP hit the enter button:
    Name:  setup.jpg
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    Under Region Choose your region: For most of you this will be N/S America and immediately the basic setup menu will be displayed:
    Scroll to the bottom and look for Advanced Options:

    Name:  Advanced.jpg
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    If you want laser defense you will need to select: PDC & LID and once you click that option a new menu will appear with all the advanced options.

    Laser Defense it set at 4 Seconds by default. Please do not choose Unlimited unless you are testing your system. You can scroll up and down and check all the options available to you and when you are done just click the Save & Download button at the bottom and save setup file to your USB Memory Stick

    Step 4

    Perform a Factory Reset

    Same as with the G9, the ALP system will memorize the number of connected sensors only when Restore Defaults options is activated. Since an ALP set is powered on many times before it is actualy installed in the customer car (factory test, dealer test, garage installer test, customer test, etc.) there is no real „first“ power-on. That is why installer/customer decides when the system is ready to memorize the sensor state. ALP novelty compared to the G9 is that not only the number of sensors is memorized but also the exact ports where they are connected for more security.

    Procedure for performing the Factory Reset:

    Long press MENU to enter Yellow menu (LED will change yellow)
    Press NEXT (Menu Button) five times (5)
    Press ENTER (Power Button)

    Now your system is ready for the updates.

    Step 5

    You can bring the USB Memory drive to your vehicle and power on the AL Priority and once all booted up insert the USB Drive and the firmware file will start to load and it will look similar to the following:

    After your ALP installs the firmware it will reboot and load the Setup file. After restarted up you will have to press the power button and turn the unit OFF and once OFF press the power button and turn it back on and it will load the last file which is the Control Set firmware and this only takes a few seconds and will reboot and you are done and you can remove the USB Drive.

    If your ALP Led is blinking Green you are in Parking Only Mode, If it is blinking Blue its in Defense Mode. Please note that it can take 1 minute for the ALP to go into defense model when LID time is not set to Unlimited. This is because there is a 1 minute timer used after restart and after a LID shutdown before the system re-activates in defense mode.

    If at any time in the future you change your configuration (Add or remove any sensors) you will need to repeat step (STEP 4 - Factory Reset) so that your ALP can relearn the amount of heads attached and their positions. The Factory Reset will also reset your settings file to the default settings so you will have to also re-load your settings file after every Factory Reset.
    Last edited by BestRadarDetectors; 08-03-2015 at 03:29 PM.

  2. The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to BestRadarDetectors For This Useful Post:

    andresg (09-26-2014), dinkydi (01-01-2014), Holla (04-04-2014), Hyper (05-14-2014), Jacovn (02-13-2014), Krus8r (09-20-2014), modsl55amg (02-06-2015), Qui-Gon (04-11-2014), Radarrob (11-22-2013), RedRocket (11-14-2013), Salty (04-04-2014), Tman (03-22-2014), Vehicle 1 (10-16-2014), Vortex (08-19-2014), Yellowcab (01-19-2014)

  3. #2
    Senior Member dinkydi's Avatar
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    can we have every thing put in here, like a flow chart,the down loads are all over, do this do that, eg can you also put all these , u*******.bin then we have ucset.bin onthe stick at the same time, seems like do this first that second etc ,or have they to be done one at time and wiping the first to do the next, geez , this does, mi head in, how many things go on the stick and in what order thx, and how do you confirm it's actually down loaded

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  5. #3
    Senior Member TurboDriver's Avatar
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    Question -- When I downloaded the Firmware it is in the format of u#######.bin (the numbers are my serial number). Do I need to rename it to ucset.bin?
    Go Like Hell, you'll get there.

    Bel 300
    X50 Black

    ALP Dual

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  7. #4
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    Allow it to name the updates. The setup file is the only one to rename if it adds anything else to the name such as 1/2 etc

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to 64pvolvo1800 For This Useful Post:

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  9. #5
    Senior Member BestRadarDetectors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TurboDriver View Post
    Question -- When I downloaded the Firmware it is in the format of u#######.bin (the numbers are my serial number). Do I need to rename it to ucset.bin?
    No, You leave the file exactly as is with your serial number. The firmware you download is specific for your CPU. ucset.bin is a firmware update for the control set (Controller) you can put all 3 files on the same memory card. CPU Firmware, Control Set Firmware & Settings File. The above guide was created before the Control Module needed firmware updates.
    Need Help Choosing a Radar Detector for your needs? Visit our website:, Send us a PM or call us at 1-888-229-7594
    Before looking at an Escort Radar Detector you should really check out Uniden Detectors.. Uniden R1 & R3 are the best performing radar detectors for the money.

  10. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to BestRadarDetectors For This Useful Post:

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  11. #6
    Senior Member TurboDriver's Avatar
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    Ok, now I have it...

    There are 3 files - setup.alp for the CONTROL (control set) settings such as brightness, volume, type of operation, LID time, etc. u#####.bin for firmware of CPU (control box), and ucset.alp for the CONTROL (control set) "firmware".

    There is also the Use and Statistics file (which is actually the setup.alp file) that can be downloaded from your ALP CPU to an USB and then loaded on your computer for analysis.

    Plus----Don't forget to Register your unit with ALP before you download the Firmware or it will not work.

    Thanks for the support.
    Last edited by TurboDriver; 03-26-2014 at 09:33 PM.
    Go Like Hell, you'll get there.

    Bel 300
    X50 Black

    ALP Dual

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to TurboDriver For This Useful Post:

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  13. #7
    Senior Member BestRadarDetectors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TurboDriver View Post
    Ok, now I have it...

    There are 3 files - setup.alp for the CONTROL (control set) settings such as brightness, volume, type of operation, LID time, etc. u#####.bin for firmware of CPU (control box), and ucset.alp for the CONTROL (control set) "firmware".

    There is also the Use and Statistics file (which is actually the setup.alp file) that can be downloaded from your ALP CPU to an USB and then loaded on your computer for analysis.

    Thanks for the support.
    Correct. After turning on for the first time and inserting the USB Memory Stock the cpu firmware will update first and take around 60 seconds and when done the unit will reboot. Once it starts back up turn the unit off with the power button and turn then turn it back on and the other files will get processed.
    Need Help Choosing a Radar Detector for your needs? Visit our website:, Send us a PM or call us at 1-888-229-7594
    Before looking at an Escort Radar Detector you should really check out Uniden Detectors.. Uniden R1 & R3 are the best performing radar detectors for the money.

  14. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to BestRadarDetectors For This Useful Post:

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  15. #8
    Senior Member BestRadarDetectors's Avatar
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    Updated first post to reflect current update procedure with updating the CPU Firmware, Control Set Firmware and Loading Setup File.
    Need Help Choosing a Radar Detector for your needs? Visit our website:, Send us a PM or call us at 1-888-229-7594
    Before looking at an Escort Radar Detector you should really check out Uniden Detectors.. Uniden R1 & R3 are the best performing radar detectors for the money.

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to BestRadarDetectors For This Useful Post:

    modsl55amg (02-27-2015)

  17. #9
    Senior Member wolfpacal's Avatar
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    The only difference I see now; compared to the instructions posted by Mirage, and the way I updated is;

    1 - With system powered on, plug in USB drive, let it update - takes around 60 secs (.bin file)
    2 - Perform a factory reset with the controller
    3 - Power down the system and re-start - 2nd file will now load (ucset file)
    4 - Power off and on again,
    5 - Load final file (setup) and re-start, and you're good to go.

    BRD, is the way I posted above not correct anymore? Getting my Dual installed tomorrow morning.

    ALP Quint - HiFi

    ALP Triple - HiFi

    STi-R Plus (x2)

  18. The Following User Says Thank You to wolfpacal For This Useful Post:

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  19. #10
    Senior Member Holla's Avatar
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    I just registered my Unit and did the downloads, I could only find 2 to download-- I have on my mem stick
    Plus is it OK just to leave all the sensors ON in the setup file even though I only have 4?


    thats it--Im I missing a 3rd file?
    Last edited by Holla; 04-04-2014 at 09:16 PM.

  20. The Following User Says Thank You to Holla For This Useful Post:

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