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  1. #1
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    ALP GPS Issues - Advice Needed

    Hi all,

    I'm extremely frustrated so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

    I bought a new ALP system a few weeks ago; this is my second one because I trusted the protection and had faith in the system. I finally got this unit professionally installed and have had nonstop problems with it. Simply put, the GPS module is a nightmare and makes the system worthless to me. At the beginning it initialized correctly and worked flawlessly. However, after not driving the car for a few days (which happens frequently due to COVID-19), the GPS module doesn't initialize correctly, and my system stays locked in laser detection (yellow light) leaving me unknowingly unprotected for hundreds of miles while driving. When I open the app, the satellite icon pulses, but the screen does not show a speed. I have followed all of the steps outlined in the directions, troubleshooting materials, and on various threads here to no avail. Yesterday when it was rainy and overcast, it refused to obtain a GPS signal at all and I had to drive unprotected for my 250 mile round trip journey. The only way I can sometimes get the system to function is by modifying and redownloading my config options car, which is unreasonable and not 100% effective. I have tried restoring defaults and reinstalling the software multiple times to no avail.

    I live in a rural area with lots of tree cover, and the local police hide in very camouflaged spots. I can't be fighting with this system every time I drive the car, and if it is unable to give me me peace of mind, I don't want it. The old system didn't have any of these issues and I could rely on the protection everytime I drove the car -- that is why I bought another one. That is not the case with this version and I am getting really tired of having a paperweight.

    any advice is greatly appreciated. I'm at my wits end here and this system is driving me nuts.

    Last edited by ZTZ1010; 05-25-2020 at 03:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member RedRocket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZTZ1010 View Post
    Hi all,

    I'm extremely frustrated so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

    I bought a new ALP system a few weeks ago; this is my second one because I trusted the protection and had faith in the system. I finally got this unit professionally installed and have had nonstop problems with it. Simply put, the GPS module is a nightmare and makes the system worthless to me. At the beginning it initialized correctly and worked flawlessly. However, after not driving the car for a few days (which happens frequently due to COVID-19), the GPS module doesn't initialize correctly, and my system stays locked in laser detection (yellow light) leaving me unknowingly unprotected for hundreds of miles while driving. When I open the app, the satellite icon pulses, but the screen does not show a speed. I have followed all of the steps outlined in the directions, troubleshooting materials, and on various threads here to no avail. Yesterday when it was rainy and overcast, it refused to obtain a GPS signal at all and I had to drive unprotected for my 250 mile round trip journey. The only way I can sometimes get the system to function is by modifying and redownloading my config options car, which is unreasonable and not 100% effective. I have tried restoring defaults and reinstalling the software multiple times to no avail.

    I live in a rural area with lots of tree cover, and the local police hide in very camouflaged spots. I can't be fighting with this system every time I drive the car, and if it is unable to give me me peace of mind, I don't want it. The old system didn't have any of these issues and I could rely on the protection everytime I drove the car -- that is why I bought another one. That is not the case with this version and I am getting really tired of having a paperweight.

    any advice is greatly appreciated. I'm at my wits end here and this system is driving me nuts.

    Ques. - what was the contents of your prior sys. ?


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    Check wiring to rule out any kinks in the wiring and also clear view of the sky.
    Telling the truth and exposing the lies in the lidar and radar industry

    "I'm interested to see how well you do.I never seen a car JTG before would be a first for me.."

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