Thanks - they run the S350 tripods here without the white outer enclosure, probably beacuse a black unit is easier to hide in the bushes (they paint the Poliscan mobile tripod enclosures green here)
Thanks - they run the S350 tripods here without the white outer enclosure, probably beacuse a black unit is easier to hide in the bushes (they paint the Poliscan mobile tripod enclosures green here)
2 x ALPriority (Quint) with STi-R+ and BT/HiFi/GPS integration | V1C (sold) | Bel RX65 S7 | 2015 Intl Redline Pro-A (sold) | Uniden R3 | Uniden LRD950 (sold) | Stalker Lidar | UltraLyte LRB | Kustom Raptor RP-1 2 x K band, 1 x Ka band antennas | Decatur Genesis-II K band |
Yeah.. They have these green tripods over here as well - and they are very creative in hiding (well, we have no bushesbut behind edges, buildings or even cars - specially in those conditions where your sight is departed or obstructed by traffic
since i'm getting more and more experience in detection of these green buggers, i also do recognize a pattern where the towers are switched on and or off in directions by time - so in some cases they try to follow the traffic into and out of cities not leaving both directions on all the time - some of the towers are completely switched off over night since we have great law regulations where you are not allowed to be blinded with a daylight flash over night.. but then they have these special falsely called "blacklight" flashes (which are actually near IR) where you only see a very dark red dim flash - they use them specially in tunnels over here - havent seen one yet, but heard of - here i found a datasheet from a company specialized in building these:
The trailer enclosure is here now
2 x ALPriority (Quint) with STi-R+ and BT/HiFi/GPS integration | V1C (sold) | Bel RX65 S7 | 2015 Intl Redline Pro-A (sold) | Uniden R3 | Uniden LRD950 (sold) | Stalker Lidar | UltraLyte LRB | Kustom Raptor RP-1 2 x K band, 1 x Ka band antennas | Decatur Genesis-II K band |
dinkydi (03-29-2018)
put it on RDF see what re action we get
double post some thing about 29 sec delay
Last edited by dinkydi; 03-29-2018 at 06:13 PM.
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