Looks like my temporary rear receiver as low as it is may have foiled a couple hits this morning...:thumb:
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Looks like my temporary rear receiver as low as it is may have foiled a couple hits this morning...:thumb:
Awesome to see the ALP's in action against the Laser Ally!
Better get a 2nd head on the rear of that car. Where was this taken?
Nice vid and jamming of THAT gun. Where was this?
I have two new receivers in the box going on tomorrow at each side of license plate...not sure if I'll leave this low one on or move to front center...what do you think ?...or is one by plate on rear sufficient ?
This is in Alberta..also note the STiR+ falsing in the second...
3 Heads in the front and Two in the plate area is the way to go. These rear shots are usually quick and they will be aiming at your plate first. Without the 2nd head you might have gotten nailed... Time will tell if you get a ticket in the mail. That was a DragonCam and you need two heads to defeat the DragonCam if they are running the newer firmware. You might have a shot if they are older units.