View Full Version : Hello to all from Louisiana

01-08-2017, 01:14 PM
After I installed my ALP system with three heads in the front and custom settings,ie:silent start up, dim LED, Loud alarm I was very satisfied. However, now whenever I start up I get a voice message...WARNING restore defaults and memorize sensors. Then it goes to blue mode. I dont have a lazer tester but I do get a parking alert on each sensor when I sweep my hand in front of them. My question is this just an annoying software glich or am I really at risk? I think it's just software. After all I did change default settings on purpose and all sensor are working at least for parking mode. Any comments appreciated Bill

01-08-2017, 03:12 PM
welcome from down under, great system the ALP have u done restore factory default setting on page 11 to memorize the sensors used of the user guides

01-08-2017, 06:27 PM
thanks for the reply. It appears if I were to restore factory default settings i would be negating the custom settings. However after reading pg 11 I noticed on pg 12 there is a manual sensor check, I went to perform that. The system found all 3 sensors. Thank you. How's the weather? It is friggin cold in Louisiana right now, 22 F
just went to restart my car and GREAT news, that was the fix. All is good with the world. haha, Thanks again

01-08-2017, 07:25 PM
Welcome to the Forum!

It's great to hear you have your ALP system up and operating normally now, after performing the "restore to factory default settings" during which the ALP system memorizes the sensors connected to the system.

01-08-2017, 07:58 PM
dont wanna upset ya around 35 deg c ;) seen USA weather on tv not liking it

01-09-2017, 08:46 PM
Welcome Salmown , you are well equipped with 3/2 Alp !


How about a huge freezer :help: only cats dare to walk out .
dont wanna upset ya around 35 deg c ;) seen USA weather on tv not liking it

01-09-2017, 10:02 PM
Hi mr snowman oops Tman :) that looks absolutely beautiful , left all that in UK, for sub tropics :eagerness:

01-09-2017, 11:27 PM
Another 2 months of this ... that is why people become crazy @ spring .

I am sure you have no regrets.
Hi mr snowman oops Tman :) that looks absolutely beautiful , left all that in UK, for sub tropics :eagerness: