View Full Version : My First Kill, Look Out in Dooly County GA I-75

05-21-2016, 11:20 AM
These guys cruise the speed limit with an Explorer and a debadged Expedition both blacked out with dark tint.
I came up on one and cruised with him until he got off hoping I would continue on faster for the Lidar trap further up and out of site ahead.

After the kill I came up on the other one that was hoping to pull me over. And then the one that got off showed up again in my mirror and I had both of them back there to the county line.

The Lidar trap was an older worn looking brownish compact import SUV that looked as if it pulled over during a break down at an angle with the rear lid and passenger door open.
As I passed I was more concerned with spotting the LEO and Lidar device (ProLaser III reported) than the make and model of the trap vehicle but I never seen him. The vehicle looked empty?
The time was early to mid morning North bound.

My placement of the control set proves to be perfect as I made the JTG prevention pretty quickly. The shifter is in drive just beside it and my hand is always above the set either on the knob or dangling off the armrest.
The empty spot you see in the pocket to the left of the shifter doesn't show the HiFi set speaker that rests in there below the LED.
I figure I broke even on the purchase. I was not speeding then, but I could have been as the trip stats are pictured below the cockpit image. I have made it in 6hrs flat.
The construction above Tampa has Ka band radar signs.



05-21-2016, 04:27 PM
Driving @ those speeds could get you in big trouble, especially b/c you only have a Front Triple, I'm assuming. Florida Troopers have DragonEye Lidars & there have been reports of them shooting vehicles from the Rear !

05-21-2016, 07:21 PM
Thanks, I did the 138 thing once for a short jaunt just to get the number on there. :-)

Knock on wood I keep pretty peeled and choose my areas for getting my laps back pretty carefully.
Leaving at 5AM both ways makes for the lightest traffic for the trip. Getting into Atlanta near lunch hour is a trip and I have to try and relax the rest of the way in.
I have been making the run a minimum 4 times a year since 1993 and always enjoy it.

05-21-2016, 08:03 PM
Knock on wood I keep pretty peeled and choose my areas for getting my laps back pretty carefully.
Leaving at 5AM both ways makes for the lightest traffic for the trip. Getting into Atlanta near lunch hour is a trip and I have to try and relax the rest of the way in.
I have been making the run a minimum 4 times a year since 1993 and always enjoy it.As you are a repeat offender at least 4 times a year, I should also mention that Fla. Troopers are also heavy users of VASCAR from Airplanes. None of your countermeasures can defend against that, unless you have surface-to-air missiles. :playful:

05-22-2016, 02:03 AM
wow there pretty serious hunters

05-26-2016, 07:21 PM
Speed Cheetah 550 is my VASCAR defense for Florida Tollway and I-95 for whole length here and I-75 from FL Tollway to GA border. At least on those routes I travel, I find the VASCAR warnings are accurate with lane marks.

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05-26-2016, 07:24 PM
Sent from my SM-T810 using Tapatalk

06-04-2016, 02:22 AM
Thanks, and I have seen them. Got lucky once and caught the reflection of a white over-wing plane doing a u-turn and got suspicious.
A little further I seen a stripe on the road, then the pack of cruisers backed up in the grass to a no-ramp overpass waiting to pounce.
My luck was seeing the reflection and they were working the north bound.

I came to a section with a little high ground with a long distance view and licked my chops for getting a long 100+ run in and seen the glint.
I was in the truck in my signature.