View Full Version : Old timer, new to ALP

Fast n Frivolous
12-04-2015, 04:47 PM
Hello to one and all from me

A brief history of mine...

First got interested in jammers when I bought a Drivesmart Defender and tested it with an LTI 20/20 and discovered what E-07 meant! Spent a lot of my spare time trying to derail Neil's shitty attempts at launching his Laser Star knock off.

Then ran a 3 head LPP on a ML Merc until I got zapped from the rear!

Then upgraded to a quad LI setup literally a month after they were released (bought direct from Ivan) and that system has stood up well to over 8-9 years of daily use here in the rainy UK.

I shot a few videos showing the LIs abilities which Did the rounds back in the day.

After having the front bumper and bonnet on my R35 GTR upgraded during which the body shop managed to damage a front head I decided it was time to upgrade my protection.

So I've just installed a quad ALP myself and I will update this thread with install pics once my car returns from being detailed this weekend.

So far I have tested my setup using a Unipar SL700 and a 125pps UL which I own. So far so good. Nice clean reception and I love the pro mode feature. Very clever.

I do have a few questions to ask though...

Why am I the user unable to confirm which laser guns my setup is equipped to jam? The implication from the ALP website is that each region has specific lists of gun capabilities. So how do I know that all guns in my country are covered if I cannot check? Who determines what is and isn't on that list?

Surely having a user selectable list would be better? Otherwise when new guns are type approved here in the UK how can I the user be sure I'm protected?

Finally I used to be a regular contributor over at RD.net as Charles Charlie Charles.

Glad to be hear and I'll hopefully be shooting some IR videos of my setup over the next few weeks as well as uploading some nice install pics on my GTR.

12-04-2015, 05:20 PM
Welcome to the forum. There are many reasons why the AL Priority Systems are region locked and they will always be this way. I can tell you from working with AntiLaser they know what is used in each region and they spend time researching this heavily so you will always be protected as long as you keep up with updates on your system.

12-04-2015, 06:09 PM
So far I have tested my setup using a Unipar SL700 and a 125pps UL which I own. So far so good. Nice clean reception and I love the pro mode feature. Very clever.

I do have a few questions to ask though...

Why am I the user unable to confirm which laser guns my setup is equipped to jam? The implication from the ALP website is that each region has specific lists of gun capabilities. So how do I know that all guns in my country are covered if I cannot check?Hi & Welcome to the Forum.
You can get a general idea of what you ask by reading the Testing results that are posted on this Forum. However, from one of the Lidar models you own I realize what "region" where you may be located. Unfortunately, owners of Lidar guns don't seem to gather in groups for Testing like we do here in North America. Still, some Models Mfg'd in the USA are used in other Foreign countries & those results posted here in this Forum can assist to answer partially for the question you have raised above.

We look forward to your contributions & especially the IR videos. You will also find some IR videos here,too.

12-04-2015, 06:39 PM
welcome from Oz

Fast n Frivolous
12-05-2015, 05:31 AM
Thanks for the friendly welcome chaps much appreciated.

I'm in the UK and you're right there's nobody testing together over here and installers and the U.K. distributor have zero knowledge about anything to do with jammers. The U.K. distributor even recommended a single head front and rear.

I suppose I'm lucky being in the UK as our lidar threats are limited both in their number but also the gun types. Old LTI 20/20, some ultralytes and plenty of Unipar SL700 where I live. All easy meat for my old faithful LI's and these new ALPs.

I'll be posting an install thread once I get my car back (and the awful weather abates) and the IR videos will be shot over the next few weeks as I'm waiting on some new IR filters as my old ones are scratched to death.

12-05-2015, 06:34 AM
Thanks for the friendly welcome chaps much appreciated.

I'm in the UK and you're right there's nobody testing together over here and installers and the U.K. distributor have zero knowledge about anything to do with jammers. The U.K. distributor even recommended a single head front and rear.

I suppose I'm lucky being in the UK as our lidar threats are limited both in their number but also the gun types. Old LTI 20/20, some ultralytes and plenty of Unipar SL700 where I live. All easy meat for my old faithful LI's and these new ALPs.

I'll be posting an install thread once I get my car back (and the awful weather abates) and the IR videos will be shot over the next few weeks as I'm waiting on some new IR filters as my old ones are scratched to death.

Believe it or not you can probably get away with a single head front and rear over there with good results. You guys dont have the hard guns that we have over here that require a minimum of 2 heads on each side. When we originally released the ALP in the US for months I ran with a single center head to test the method at at distances the single head jammed older guns just fine but would have PT's in the 300's and below on headlights but most of the time you will already be slowed by that point (Front Shots) for rear shots the close distance would be an issue. If you end up with 2F & 2R you will be well protected for sure.

12-05-2015, 11:14 AM
Welcome from the other side of the pond.

Fast n Frivolous
12-05-2015, 12:16 PM
Well my GTR is back from the detailers however it went dark at 3.30 today and Storm Desmond (shockingly bad name for a storm!) is undoing most of his shiny work!! Will take some pics tomorrow.

I appreciate that a single head may be sufficient with our older lidar threats but from experience I wouldn't trust my license to just the one. Funnily enough when I installed my first LPP it was a large SUV a W164 Mercedes M class and that performed quite well on plate shots but was utterly inadequate for HL targeting.

Having had the comfort of a quad LI for 8+ years I'd never leave home without 4 heads of anything. No matter how good the reception gets, there will always be a limit to the effectiveness of a single head especially when you have crazy big HL reflectors that many modern cars have.

Can't wait to get my new IR filters and shoot some video of these ALPs. When I first tested them at short range on my driveway I was very impressed by the scope of their detection laterally as well as how good the gun sounded when being jammed. Jamming is one thing but to make the audio feedback of the gun sound normal takes some ingenuity. I knew my LIs were good and the older ALG9 never really jammed my SL700 well enough to not be suspicious to the operator as the gun sounded too weird but the newer HW and FW works very well.