View Full Version : New ALP Center Head

11-02-2015, 08:02 PM
I remember reading awhile back about a new ALP center head that was supposed to be available late 3rd quarter of 2015. It was referenced in this thread http://www.rdforum.org/showthread.php?t=45447&highlight=new+center+head Is this available yet or still in the development phase?

11-02-2015, 09:34 PM
I remember reading awhile back about a new ALP center head that was supposed to be available late 3rd quarter of 2015. It was referenced in this thread http://www.rdforum.org/showthread.php?t=45447&highlight=new+center+head Is this available yet or still in the development phase?

Original plan was scrapped. This does not mean we might not revisit again in the future with something else.

11-02-2015, 10:20 PM
for this to work would they need to have increase the the working angles ? be good if they could , a wider angle for polis would be fantastic

11-03-2015, 12:59 AM
Original plan was scrapped. This does not mean we might not revisit again in the future with something else.

Hmmm didnt know they scrapped the special head!!

11-03-2015, 03:12 AM
for this to work would they need to have increase the the working angles ? be good if they could , a wider angle for polis would be fantastic

Two transmit diodes per head would be good for poliscan, one straight ahead, and one off axis by 35 - 45 deg. That way, we could mount the heads straight (parallel) and level, and still maintain good h/h and poliscan protection. The reception angle on the receive diodes would still need to be up to par to receive off axis poliscan though for rear facers.

11-03-2015, 06:51 AM
Well this just blow chunks! It's exactly what I was looking for now we're part of Poliscam land.

11-03-2015, 08:59 AM
Well this just blow chunks! It's exactly what I was looking for now we're part of Poliscam land.
Where are you located?

11-03-2015, 09:08 AM
Close to Brisbane, Australia.

11-03-2015, 09:51 AM
Original plan was scrapped. This does not mean we might not revisit again in the future with something else.

I've been waiting for this head but now that it's not going to happen at least in the near future, I will need to add a third head to the front of my Ford Explorer to deal with the VPR guns here. The two that are there now are 28" apart center to center. If I add the center head they will all be 14" apart. Is that too close? I MAY be able to move the outer ones out another inch or so but is 15 or 16" still too close?

11-03-2015, 10:33 AM
I've been waiting for this head but now that it's not going to happen at least in the near future, I will need to add a third head to the front of my Ford Explorer to deal with the VPR guns here. The two that are there now are 28" apart center to center. If I add the center head they will all be 14" apart. Is that too close? I MAY be able to move the outer ones out another inch or so but is 15 or 16" still too close?

No, If you add a center head they will be just fine with that spacing. Spacing mostly comes into play when using only 2 heads.