View Full Version : Anyone using "Privacy Protection" mode?

05-11-2015, 07:35 AM
I just ran across service code 2-4-6-8. This will keep the ALP in parking only mode unless a USB key with the correct key-file is inserted. I was just wondering if anyone is using this and how well it works.

05-11-2015, 08:01 AM
I just ran across service code 2-4-6-8. This will keep the ALP in parking only mode unless a USB key with the correct key-file is inserted. I was just wondering if anyone is using this and how well it works.

It works very well, but once enabled you cannot disable. Not even a factory reset will remove the security USB feature once enabled.

05-11-2015, 08:08 AM
We dont recommend it because as dukes mentioned there is no way to reverse this feature. If you loose the key you will never get defense mode back on your ALP. There are plenty of options to easily turn the ALP back into a parking only system but I would not use this method.

05-11-2015, 08:13 AM
You can back up the key file, right? I mean, if I put a copy of the key file on Dropbox or something, it'll be kinda hard to ever lose that.

05-11-2015, 08:19 AM
You can back up the key file, right? I mean, if I put a copy of the key file on Dropbox or something, it'll be kinda hard to ever lose that.

Yes, you can back the key up

05-11-2015, 10:01 AM
I run both my systems in privacy mode. Living in Ontario I don't have much choice. I've made several backups of each privacy key file and don't worry that much about enabling it in the case of a traffic stop. I didn't want to mess around with swapping USB keys to enable parking only mode if I got pulled over. With this, you just pull the USB drive out, hide it, and wait for the Cop to approach your car. No Jammers enabled and you can show it's just a parking sensor system.

05-11-2015, 12:33 PM
Just wondering if only 1 smart oppcop knows about the dual use of Alp , it is now advertised everywhere , though i dont use priviacy ,
i must admit it is a good barrier , but let's face it : with cops tose days , nothing will stop them to crush us if they feel like it.

The best of the best is still JTK , quick and properly.
I run both my systems in privacy mode. Living in Ontario I don't have much choice. I've made several backups of each privacy key file and don't worry that much about enabling it in the case of a traffic stop. I didn't want to mess around with swapping USB keys to enable parking only mode if I got pulled over. With this, you just pull the USB drive out, hide it, and wait for the Cop to approach your car. No Jammers enabled and you can show it's just a parking sensor system.

05-11-2015, 01:20 PM
Just wondering if only 1 smart oppcop knows about the dual use of Alp , it is now advertised everywhere , though i dont use priviacy ,
i must admit it is a good barrier , but let's face it : with cops tose days , nothing will stop them to crush us if they feel like it.

The best of the best is still JTK , quick and properly.

For me, the Police need actual evidence. For example, a Spectre is needed to be plugged in, working, and able to detect a device the Cop "believes", with reasonable grounds, to be a RD. The Spectre electronically confirms the Cops suspicion. Evidence of it's alert to the RD is documented in the Officers notes and the RD is confiscated.

For LJ's, just because an Officer believes they are jammers, he needs evidence to support they are. With the privacy Key removed, the system will not function as Jammers in any way, and thus what evidence does he have? I would throw the USB drive out the window before the stop is complete, or hide it in plain sight in the cabin somewhere before he approaches the driver to start his investigation. If you have a female passenger with you at the time of the stop, she could hide it in her bra or "down below". A male Cop in Ontario is not allowed to search a female. It's like a Cop seeing a bag of what he believes to be Marijuana and testing it and finding out it's something else. Just because it looks like something he "THINKS" it is, doesn't mean it is.

RD law is well established in this rotten province already. LJ's are unchartered waters here. No matter what the Cop tries, after the USB drive is removed with the privacy key file on it, he will NOT get it to alert or jam his LIDAR gun. I doubt any of them read up on the Privacy Key file / feature of this system. Don't know about QC, maybe there, some LEO's do.

Just my .02

05-11-2015, 01:25 PM
Do you really need to use privacy mode now that we have the option to make them parking sensors with a push of the button?

05-11-2015, 01:30 PM
For me, the Police need actual evidence. For example, a Spectre is needed to be plugged in, working, and able to detect a device the Cop "believes", with reasonable grounds, to be a RD. The Spectre electronically confirms the Cops suspicion. Evidence of it's alert to the RD is documented in the Officers notes and the RD is confiscated.

For LJ's, just because an Officer believes they are jammers, he needs evidence to support they are. With the privacy Key removed, the system will not function as Jammers in any way, and thus what evidence does he have? I would throw the USB drive out the window before the stop is complete, or hide it in plain sight in the cabin somewhere before he approaches the driver to start his investigation. If you have a female passenger with you at the time of the stop, she could hide it in her bra or "down below". A male Cop in Ontario is not allowed to search a female. It's like a Cop seeing a bag of what he believes to be Marijuana and testing it and finding out it's something else. Just because it looks like something he "THINKS" it is, doesn't mean it is.

RD law is well established in this rotten province already. LJ's are unchartered waters here. No matter what the Cop tries, after the USB drive is removed with the privacy key file on it, he will NOT get it to alert or jam his LIDAR gun. I doubt any of them read up on the Privacy Key file / feature of this system. Don't know about QC, maybe there, some LEO's do.

Just my .02

With how concerned you are why not just install the GPS antenna and no need to do anything. If you are not moving above your set speed the system will not jam anything.

05-11-2015, 01:47 PM
I put Qc leos in the same basket as opp = dumb robotcop ...+ the language barrier.

That said i am sure we have years of troublefree use of our parking aid.

What worries me is google , do a image search under ''laser jammer'', down few clicks you will see the Alp in full details ...
https://www.google.ca/search?q=laser+jammer&biw=1252&bih=559&site=webhp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=VehQVciPNIWxyATUsIC4Cw&sqi=2&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#imgrc=dsHabJYOtXWO1M%253A%3Bb_s_n5 DLuPN5XM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.kmph.ca%252Fimag es%252Falpriority_01.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww. kmph.ca%252Fproducts%252Flaser-protection%252F%3B582%3B432

05-11-2015, 02:04 PM
Tom , how much is a Gps antenna ?

05-11-2015, 02:40 PM
With how concerned you are why not just install the GPS antenna and no need to do anything. If you are not moving above your set speed the system will not jam anything.

Is it parking mode only below the set speed, or is it detection only? IIRC, even detectors are illegal in Ontario.

05-11-2015, 03:03 PM
Is it parking mode only below the set speed, or is it detection only? IIRC, even detectors are illegal in Ontario.

Detection Only under the pre-set speed.. Price in the US is $49.95 for the GPS Antenna.

05-11-2015, 04:52 PM
Detection Only under the pre-set speed.. Price in the US is $49.95 for the GPS Antenna.

Something to think about. Haven't paid much attention to some of the newer add-on's after I bought my system.

What's involved with hooking it up to the CPU? How do I program it? I'm currently running my ALP system with the HiFi module.

05-11-2015, 05:26 PM
I think its just a module + antenna you plug in the control box - then in your settings file enable gps and speed limits for LID

05-11-2015, 05:28 PM
I think its just a module + antenna you plug in the control box - then in your settings file enable gps and speed limits for LID

The R/G module (Radar/GPS module) plugs into the main ALP CPU and then the GPS antenna plugs into that. You can also plug the 9500ci/STiR+ heads into that module.

05-11-2015, 05:33 PM
I think you can plug the GPS module directly into the CPU without the R/G module.

05-11-2015, 06:43 PM
I think you can plug the GPS module directly into the CPU without the R/G module.

Is this also true for early 2014 CPU units (non version 2)? I just need the GPS module ($49)?

Reading the setup page "bubble":
"GPS receiver should be connected to the GPS socket of your ALP R/G plugin. if your Control Box is hardware revision 2 (marked as Hw 2.0) then the GPS antenna may be plugged directly into the G-socket of the Control box."

So for non 2.0 folks like me, sounds like I need the R/G module also.

05-11-2015, 07:05 PM
Well, I got my R/G version 2 module in today, so I have a version 1 R/G module available. If you're not running a V1 into it, it'll work perfectly.

05-11-2015, 07:34 PM
Is this also true for early 2014 CPU units (non version 2)? I just need the GPS module ($49)?

Reading the setup page "bubble":
"GPS receiver should be connected to the GPS socket of your ALP R/G plugin. if your Control Box is hardware revision 2 (marked as Hw 2.0) then the GPS antenna may be plugged directly into the G-socket of the Control box."

So for non 2.0 folks like me, sounds like I need the R/G module also.
No.. Only V2 CPU'S can connect directly to the GPS Antenna without the need for the RG Module.

05-11-2015, 07:36 PM
Can someone post a quick video on how this all integrates together for those of us not using an iPhone/Android and only running the HiFi module setup?


05-11-2015, 07:38 PM
No.. Only V2 CPU'S can connect directly to the GPS Antenna without the need for the RG Module.

As my CPU is from 2014, I would need a GPS Antenna with an RG Module? One plugs in to the other and then in to the main CPU?

05-11-2015, 08:00 PM
As my CPU is from 2014, I would need a GPS Antenna with an RG Module? One plugs in to the other and then in to the main CPU?
If it does not say HW 2.0 on the bottom yes you would need an RG Module to add the GPS Antenna.

05-11-2015, 08:39 PM
If it does not say HW 2.0 on the bottom yes you would need an RG Module to add the GPS Antenna.

Pulling out credit card...

05-11-2015, 08:45 PM
pulling out credit card...


05-11-2015, 09:14 PM
Tom , do you think it could be in the wish-list for parking only ?

How is the transition between ''active''\detect only , and vice-versa , i mean is there any sound that indicates
the change ? If there is any sound it could become annoying in a stop-go situation (in cities).

How long is the wire ?

Thank you.
Detection Only under the pre-set speed.. Price in the US is $49.95 for the GPS Antenna.

05-11-2015, 10:02 PM
No sound but LED changes color once you hit the threshold. If I remember correctly it's yellow under your preset and then back to Blue above it. I will have to double check the length but I think it was 10ft for the ones we sell. The ones Alex sells will be longer and you can check with him.

05-11-2015, 10:28 PM
Oh fine for the lenght and the stealth mode , it is perfect for banned area.

Yes Alex has it in stock , price is $ 75 cad , quite a good deal if one has the version 2 .

What about the parking only wish-list ? Do you think it can have some priority ?


No sound but LED changes color once you hit the threshold. If I remember correctly it's yellow under your preset and then back to Blue above it. I will have to double check the length but I think it was 10ft for the ones we sell. The ones Alex sells will be longer and you can check with him.

05-11-2015, 10:31 PM
Oh fine for the lenght and the stealth mode , it is perfect for banned area.

Yes Alex has it in stock , price is $ 75 cad , quite a good deal if one has the version 2 .

What about the parking only wish-list ? Do you think it can have some priority ?

Honestly.. No. There are alot of important things going on and we have projects slated throughout the rest of the year already.

05-11-2015, 11:17 PM
No sound but LED changes color once you hit the threshold. If I remember correctly it's yellow under your preset and then back to Blue above it.

Yes, that's the LED and ALPConnect colours I have with v1 CPU and v1 R/G module with GPS

05-11-2015, 11:55 PM
If it does not say HW 2.0 on the bottom yes you would need an RG Module to add the GPS Antenna.
Tom, The sticker on my ALP Control Unit box indicates: AL Priority - CONTROL UNIT Hw.2 and also YOP: 2014 - 12
Therefore, I would only need to purchase the GPS Antenna from you, and have my installer connect it directly to the CONTROL UNIT, then I can modify my system's Control Box Setup Selections to include the GPS related items. Is this correct ?

05-12-2015, 07:17 AM
Tom, The sticker on my ALP Control Unit box indicates: AL Priority - CONTROL UNIT Hw.2 and also YOP: 2014 - 12
Therefore, I would only need to purchase the GPS Antenna from you, and have my installer connect it directly to the CONTROL UNIT, then I can modify my system's Control Box Setup Selections to include the GPS related items. Is this correct ?

05-12-2015, 12:30 PM
I just ordered the GPS Antenna.

In settings there is two areas to set speed (Define PDC) & (Define LID). I set it for 24 in both would this be correct? or do I only set speed for LID? THANKS!

05-12-2015, 12:50 PM
I just ordered the GPS Antenna.

In settings there is two areas to set speed (Define PDC) & (Define LID). I set it for 24 in both would this be correct? or do I only set speed for LID? THANKS!

You also would need to adjust:

1. GPS receiver present (Change to Yes)
2. Define PDC SPEED limit (This will prevent parking sensors from alerting if you are in traffic and get close to a car in front of you)
3. Define LID SPEED limit (Speed in which you need to be traveling above for the Jammer to operate)
4. If Radar Antenna is used... Define RADAR SPEED limit (Speed in which you do not want to get radar alerts under)

05-12-2015, 01:58 PM
If there's no GPS signal (say, in an underground garage), how does the system behave vs. the set speed thresholds?

05-12-2015, 02:24 PM
If there's no GPS signal (say, in an underground garage), how does the system behave vs. the set speed thresholds?

If No Signal it will Defend as if there was no GPS Antenna connected and you will see a Blue LED.

05-12-2015, 07:24 PM
You also would need to adjust:

1. GPS receiver present (Change to Yes)
2. Define PDC SPEED limit (This will prevent parking sensors from alerting if you are in traffic and get close to a car in front of you)
3. Define LID SPEED limit (Speed in which you need to be traveling above for the Jammer to operate)
4. If Radar Antenna is used... Define RADAR SPEED limit (Speed in which you do not want to get radar alerts under)

Thanks much!

05-12-2015, 08:05 PM
If there's no GPS signal (say, in an underground garage), how does the system behave vs. the set speed thresholds?

If you're using hifi, it will also state "GPS signal lost"

05-14-2015, 04:33 PM
You also would need to adjust:

1. GPS receiver present (Change to Yes)
2. Define PDC SPEED limit (This will prevent parking sensors from alerting if you are in traffic and get close to a car in front of you)
3. Define LID SPEED limit (Speed in which you need to be traveling above for the Jammer to operate)
4. If Radar Antenna is used... Define RADAR SPEED limit (Speed in which you do not want to get radar alerts under)

I just received my GPS antenna today.
I see it has a sticky cup does this have to mount to windshield or ok on dashboard?
Also do I connect this first to control box and then download new settings? or do settings first & then connect the GPS antenna?

05-15-2015, 10:10 AM
You can connect it first, then download the new settings. I didn't have a problem doing that.

05-15-2015, 10:20 AM
I just received my GPS antenna today.
I see it has a sticky cup does this have to mount to windshield or ok on dashboard?
Also do I connect this first to control box and then download new settings? or do settings first & then connect the GPS antenna?

You can just sit it on the dash. You can connect it and then load the new settings file. If you load the settings file and dont have the GPS Connected it will error that the GPS is not attached.

05-15-2015, 11:18 AM
You can connect it first, then download the new settings. I didn't have a problem doing that.


05-15-2015, 11:20 AM
You can just sit it on the dash. You can connect it and then load the new settings file. If you load the settings file and dont have the GPS Connected it will error that the GPS is not attached.

Very appreciated!

05-15-2015, 03:09 PM
At first I thought it wasn't working correct because it was only flashing blue after I downloaded the new setup.
After I drove around few minutes it then turned yellow below 18 MPH & flashing blue over 18 MPH. YIPPY :)

05-15-2015, 03:32 PM
At first I thought it wasn't working correct because it was only flashing blue after I downloaded the new setup.
After I drove around few minutes it then turned yellow below 18 MPH & flashing blue over 18 MPH. YIPPY :)It may take a minute or two to get a GPS lock especially on first startup or after it's been off a while. During that time the ALP will remain in defense mode regardless of speed.