View Full Version : Mid City Integration with ALP/STiR+

01-17-2015, 08:58 PM
I have a few questions if you guys can help me out.. Components will go in a 2011 Mercedes E550 w/Distronic. Here is what I have ordered:

Mid City Escort (STiR+) Cluster Integration kit
STiR+ full system
ALP Connect + Radar Module

1. Can I turn off the parking sensor feature on the ALP?
2. Will the STiR+ GPS also send GPS info to the ALP (if needed for the parking sensor function if that can't be turned off) or do I need two GPS units?
3. Any incompatibility issues using ALP Connect and the Mid City Cluster Integration?
4. Is the radar module necessary if I have ALP Connect in order for the distronic feature to not interfere with the Mid City Integration unit?

01-17-2015, 10:58 PM
You can't use Mid City unit on an integrated ALP + AL Stir Radar Package. You will need to operate them completely separate. You will need the Full Sti-R Plus and use the Mid City unit on the Plus.

The ALP will have no issues running by itself and taking care of all your laser defense. You can turn off the parking alerts if you don't want to use the feature.