View Full Version : AntiLaser Priority Menu Flowchart?

12-15-2014, 10:12 AM
Hi, sorry if this has been asked before (I tried searching the forum to no avail), but...

Is there a full flowchart/listing of the menu options available via the control set? I've seen scattered references on how to get to specific functions, but never anything comprehensive.


12-15-2014, 10:13 AM
Hi, sorry if this has been asked before (I tried searching the forum to no avail), but...

Is there a full flowchart/listing of the menu options available via the control set? I've seen scattered references on how to get to specific functions, but never anything comprehensive.


Not yet... We have been steadily adding new features. We will release one soon once all the menu's are added and updated.

12-29-2014, 06:29 PM
Thanks for the reply! I switched to the bluetooth module for now so I can understand the various alerts, but will ultimately try to install a switch to accommodate both options soon.

As a software guy, I really appreciate your approach of incremental progress. This is a great product, nice work!