View Full Version : Blast from the past returns

11-11-2014, 11:39 AM
Hi...been away for a bit, need to upgrade my set up and went to the "olde site." Don't know what's happened, but seemingly Cliff has dumped LI and run off with Stinger, the place has tumbleweeds running through it and GoL has been replaced with RALETC. Blimey, it's like a soap opera. Anyway, I'm here for some advice.

11-11-2014, 11:48 AM
Welcome to the forum... How can we help you? What do you currently have in your current setup that you are looking to upgrade from?

11-11-2014, 12:21 PM
Welcome to "New and improved"

11-11-2014, 12:31 PM
For laser, I currently have a quad LI controlled by a SpeedCheetah stealth node with the keyfob stuck onto the back of the steering wheel where I hold the wheel. They use video in the UK, so them recording you move and then getting a reading is a bit of a giveaway, this way I hardly have to move a finger to kill the heads. GPS for fixed cameras is using an old UK Origin B2 with a Whistler pro radar head connected to it. The kit is ancient and is falling apart, for example my front LI heads both have broken casing brackets, but has been OK for use in the UK.
Anyway, I'm moving to Spain for good in the next few weeks and I need a more European, more stealthly and more modern install.
Being caught with any of this kit is Spain is worse than a drunk driving charge, so deep, deep stealth.
The vehicle this is all going on is a 2006 Mitsubishi Shogun Sport Equippe, so I don't want to spend more than the truck's worth.

I've done a quick bit of catch up and what I'm thinking about is a quad ALP with the STi - R+ pack, then using a Speedcheetah C50 for fixed cameras.
I was going to go for the full STi-R+ for GPS and radar and then new quad LIs but having read some posts about the Bel GPS, I've decided no.
Stinger seems to be all "gimme de cash" and no data about how good or bad it is.
I wouldn't go Blinder or Escort.
I've a mate in Spain who has a 5 head radar jammer. He was proud that the roof head stops UAVs and helicopters getting a reading. I doubt it works although the blue glow on the control face is nice and I doubt he understands the difference between radar and laser, so no mythical radar jammer for me.

So as I say, quad ALP with radar module and STi-R head all controlled by my old Speedcheetah kill switch and a SpeedCheetah C50 for GPS fixed cameras seems to be my choice...any comments or suggestions?

11-11-2014, 12:52 PM

11-11-2014, 01:04 PM
Welcome to the best forum for your radar detector and laser jammer needs, RALF. Please look around

11-11-2014, 01:16 PM
Welcome to the forum... lots of info here.

11-11-2014, 01:39 PM
Many thanks to all for the welcomes...there is a bit of a delay in me replying due to the mod checking I'm not a baddy or worse... an L* seller!

11-11-2014, 01:51 PM
Many thanks to all for the welcomes...there is a bit of a delay in me replying due to the mod checking I'm not a baddy or worse... an L* seller!

Delay is because you are new and we receive many people that come on here to say high and then start spamming the forum. As you contribute the the restrictions will get stripped away. As for what is best for you I really do not know what they use out there. We do have many international members that can help but because they are on the other side of the country it may take some time for additional international responses.

11-11-2014, 03:29 PM
welcome from OZ, as brd mentioned we have a few guys from spain , over here in OZ we have have a lot of EU stuff mrcd low power, the Stinger atm seems the go but pricey, check the Beltronics international site also u will find very diff to USA models, please enjoy our great forum

11-11-2014, 03:49 PM
Welcome to the forum. Take you time, read up on the changes in equipment and ask questions. I am interested in hearing about your experiences.

11-11-2014, 04:44 PM
Welcome from Canada ,

i guess you speak spanish , lot of good people to help you in stealth...mucho fun ser invisible :thumbs2:

11-11-2014, 05:22 PM
member Hectorlibra here can give you much information on threats (and effective countermeasures) in Spain

11-11-2014, 05:27 PM
Hi from oz sounds like your knowledge is already up there on what hot and whats not at the moment.

Won Hunglo
11-11-2014, 09:01 PM

11-12-2014, 12:57 PM
Cheers for that Curmudgeon. I've one question regarding the ALP heads if anyone can help. I've read they have the same spread angles (15 degrees) for both horizontal and vertical axis, so I'm guessing that you can install them in either fashion? Reason I'm asking is that I think I can slip them vertically into my grille without any cutting. I'm might just go for a dual up front just now because I can't figure out how to get my tailgate apart even with the Mitsubishi manual....man, they built that truck to last. I had everything on my Merc CLK before but I've sold that now, so this is a first time install on this vehicle although I've managed to get the front LIs and my old kit on her for the moment.