View Full Version : Firmware Update? iOS 8 iPhone 6

09-20-2014, 06:33 AM
Since the last update, I have had several instances of the unit switching itself to parking mode.
I turned the bluet tooth on and off and no change, came back on in park mode.
I inadvertently tried touching the highway button cycling through the city modes and then back to highway and detect mode comes back on!
Possibly could be ios8 but I have been running ios8 beta for months and this only started after firmware change.
Has anyone had a similar issue, or is it possibly a sign that my control box has developed a fault?:D

09-21-2014, 12:28 AM
i m having the same issue with my iPhone 6 it connects disconnects over and over every once in a while it will stick and stay on but can't trust it now

09-21-2014, 12:52 AM
I am having the same problem with my new iPhone 6. My iPhone 5 works perfectly. I have a tune2air bluetooth (unattached) iPhone setup in a Jaguar. The iPhone 6 keeps disconnecting and reconnecting and like ulra310x indicated it will some times stick and stay until I shut down. But most experiments just kept cycling. If I unplug my Tune2Air device the ALP will stop disconnecting and work perfectly via bluetooth. But then I have no sound to my car speakers. Again, no problem with the iPhone 5, which is on iOS 8.0 also by the way. So my only variable leading to failure appears to be the new phone itself. Any ideas if this can be solved via firmware?

09-21-2014, 06:03 AM
Seeing how ALP have been in the past, I'm sure they're working on ios8 update. Whether or not they are aware of any issues ios8 can or has caused is another issue.
If people post their issues, I'm sure they will look at fixing, but unfortunately that means those effected have to be a little patient in the meantime:D

01-26-2015, 02:33 PM
Going to resurrect this thread. I just upgraded from an iPhone 5 to 6. I have not started having several dropped connections with the iPhone 6, iOS 8.1.2, and the ALP. I never dropped a connection with the iPhone 5. On a 90 minute drive yesterday, the connection dropped 6 times. Fortunately, it drops and reconnects a second or two later. I just hope that during that second or two I don't get hit. There is obviously something with iPhone 6 that is causing a problem that didn't exist in iPhone 5. I have the most recent app and firmware installed.

01-26-2015, 02:48 PM
Its a waiting game for Apple to fix the BT issues with the 6.0... There might be some hope:


But we are waiting for the next update to hopefully fix the issues.

01-27-2015, 03:16 AM
As I mentioned in a post elsewhere, I'm on 8.2 Beta for developers. I have been running this for nearly two weeks.
At first, I thought the issue had been solved but regrettably have to say, whilst there is a great improvement, it still drops out.
Like you, I was dropping in and out constantly, but with the new update, it happens sporadically.
8.1.3 will be released to the public in the next week so rumor has it and Apple may have it nipped by then:kiwi-fruit:

01-29-2015, 09:42 AM
I upgraded iOS to 8.1.3 two days ago and it had no effect on the dropped connections. If anything the dropped connections are more extreme now. With 8.1.2, the connection would drop once, then reconnect quickly. Now with 8.1.3, is seems to drop and reconnect about 3 times in fast succession. The number of times this happens in a given period is random. On my daily commute it will drop anywhere from 2 to 8 times in 20 minutes. My confidence of driving with ALP's has now dropped significantly. I may even be forced to use the control panel that I have never installed or used before (always used ALP Connect).

I have not noticed the issue with Bluetooth dropping connections when using my headset to make phone calls. So I'm not sure if this is an Apple or ALP Connect problem.

01-29-2015, 10:23 AM
I upgraded iOS to 8.1.3 two days ago and it had no effect on the dropped connections. If anything the dropped connections are more extreme now. With 8.1.2, the connection would drop once, then reconnect quickly. Now with 8.1.3, is seems to drop and reconnect about 3 times in fast succession. The number of times this happens in a given period is random. On my daily commute it will drop anywhere from 2 to 8 times in 20 minutes. My confidence of driving with ALP's has now dropped significantly. I may even be forced to use the control panel that I have never installed or used before (always used ALP Connect).

I have not noticed the issue with Bluetooth dropping connections when using my headset to make phone calls. So I'm not sure if this is an Apple or ALP Connect problem.

Do you have an old apple phone laying around? If so try it and I would bet you will not have the issue. You can even use an old Android Phone with the same BT module as long as the phone has Android 4.4 or above and supports BT 4.0.

01-29-2015, 01:31 PM
Do you have an old apple phone laying around? If so try it and I would bet you will not have the issue. You can even use an old Android Phone with the same BT module as long as the phone has Android 4.4 or above and supports BT 4.0.

I do, up until last week, I was using an iPhone 5 with no connection issues at all. It's the introduction of the iPhone 6 that has caused the problems. I'm not sure if it is truly a iPhone 6 hardware or firmware issue as was implied in this thread; seeing as my Bluetooth voice calls are perfectly fine, or if its an issue with how the ALP Connect application is written when running on an iPhone 6. I would hope the ALP Connect software engineers are looking into the issue rather than assuming it's only an iPhone 6 hardware / firmware issue.

01-29-2015, 01:41 PM
I do, up until last week, I was using an iPhone 5 with no connection issues at all. It's the introduction of the iPhone 6 that has caused the problems. I'm not sure if it is truly a iPhone 6 hardware or firmware issue as was implied in this thread; seeing as my Bluetooth voice calls are perfectly fine, or if its an issue with how the ALP Connect application is written when running on an iPhone 6. I would hope the ALP Connect software engineers are looking into the issue rather than assuming it's only an iPhone 6 hardware / firmware issue.

Voice uses different BT then Data.. The issue is with the iPhone 6 and BT 4.0 LE Data connections.

01-29-2015, 02:40 PM
Voice uses different BT then Data.. The issue is with the iPhone 6 and BT 4.0 LE Data connections.

Ah, thanks for clarifying!

02-03-2015, 03:14 AM
Just installed latest Beta of iOS 8.2
Two trips so far and no connection issues so each Beta seems to be improving dropout issues and hopefully all fixed.
Will keep you posted