View Full Version : BrightParrot - keepin' the learning flowing

07-20-2014, 09:40 PM
Howdy all! Joined up here, need to keep the learning flowing. Such a great hobby, so much to know. I already recognize a lot of names here, so I know it's a good community. Looking forward to not only sharing what I have learned, but also acquiring some new knowledge.

07-20-2014, 11:21 PM
Welcome to the forum. If there is anything that we can assist you with please let us know. What kind of equipment are you running?

07-20-2014, 11:33 PM
Hi bp from OZ :D

07-20-2014, 11:34 PM
Welcome from Alaska!

07-20-2014, 11:50 PM
Hy BP , welcome from Canada .

07-21-2014, 01:25 AM

07-21-2014, 02:51 AM
Welcome from the great land of Alaska!!

07-21-2014, 04:02 AM
Welcome from down under :)

07-21-2014, 05:18 AM
Welcome to the forum. Nice to have another knowledgeable member of the community here. Feel free to share your knowledge with us.

07-21-2014, 06:47 AM
Welcome to the forum. If there is anything that we can assist you with please let us know. What kind of equipment are you running?
Oh, just a few things...
I've got a 2003 Suburban, lovingly nicknamed the "big white beast" - To help protect it there is a LI Quad HP, I had it tested a while ago, and the results were pretty good. Then there is the V1 with a CD and the V1C - that's the 3.893 version with custom sweeps courtesy of YaV1 on the Moto X which also runs waze. That sits in a half ProClip / half SlipClip mount, as the ProClip doesn't have anything that will fit the phone once I have the otterbox on it, so the proclip part attaches to the dash, while the slipclip part holds the phone in its case. Then there are 2 ITB-100 dashcams, 1 front, 1 rear, each with a 32GB sony SD card. (Plus a backup SD card in the console for "just such an emergency.") I also have a Kenwood D710A ham radio which can also receive the local dispatch / sheriff in my area and also runs APRS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_Packet_Reporting_System). Let's also not forget the Wilson 4G Cellular Signal Booster and a Garmin GPS. Top it all off with a SuperBumper (http://www.superbumper.com/) on the back and done! (For now, anyways...)

07-21-2014, 07:24 AM
Oh, just a few things...
I've got a 2003 Suburban, lovingly nicknamed the "big white beast" - To help protect it there is a LI Quad HP, I had it tested a while ago, and the results were pretty good. Then there is the V1 with a CD and the V1C - that's the 3.893 version with custom sweeps courtesy of YaV1 on the Moto X which also runs waze. That sits in a half ProClip / half SlipClip mount, as the ProClip doesn't have anything that will fit the phone once I have the otterbox on it, so the proclip part attaches to the dash, while the slipclip part holds the phone in its case. Then there are 2 ITB-100 dashcams, 1 front, 1 rear, each with a 32GB sony SD card. (Plus a backup SD card in the console for "just such an emergency.") I also have a Kenwood D710A ham radio which can also receive the local dispatch / sheriff in my area and also runs APRS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_Packet_Reporting_System). Let's also not forget the Wilson 4G Cellular Signal Booster and a Garmin GPS. Top it all off with a SuperBumper (http://www.superbumper.com/) on the back and done! (For now, anyways...)

Good but you got robbed with the hp LIs. Consider switching to ALP but your mostly decked out already bro.

07-21-2014, 07:59 AM
Welcome to RALF

Captain Sprocket
07-21-2014, 08:49 AM
Nice bumper pretty cool welcome from Colorado

07-21-2014, 09:07 AM
Good but you got robbed with the hp LIs. Consider switching to ALP but your mostly decked out already bro.
Well, when I got the LI the ALP wasn't out yet.

07-21-2014, 09:09 AM
Nice bumper pretty cool welcome from Colorado
Yup.. People tend to stay back a bit at lights and in parking lots. The psychological value is enormous!

07-21-2014, 06:11 PM
Howdy BP, welcome!

07-24-2014, 07:29 AM
Hi from New Kiwiland next to down under

07-24-2014, 03:15 PM
Welcome to RALF,BP.
It's great you found us,& Thanks for joining/signing-up here.