View Full Version : Newest firmware K band Gatso24 issues
04-20-2014, 01:38 AM
Well since updating to the newest firmware, K band detection of Gatso24 has dropped considerably.
I thought maybe something was wrong with my setup but Dragons just confirmed it with his STI-R on ALP.
I am just uploading the video now, but normally we get about a 300 to 700m detection.
Last night and today we has only gotten about 50m...
I started to notice a change the day after I installed the new firmware.
Cameras I normally got 500m warning dropped right down which I chalked off to weather.
Then a few days back, a mobile van I normally get 300-400m off of, didn't alert until almost on top of it.
Last night, had a very close call with a van that was running K.
I was lucky because he left his hazard lights on which saved my arse...
Any suggestions on fixing this?
Is there going to be a fix?
Or option 3, I still have a copy of the last firmware, can I downgrade back to that?
Edit: Cant downgrade :/
This is really concerning...
Old firmware detection range:
This video has the same camera in it as the one that I only have 50m warning with last night.
Now this is the same camera as the one tested last night by Dragons and I (as you can see the old firmware had decent range)
Note the range and detection
This video has the failure, you will see 1 really close call, I was lucky I noticed the van on the side of the road, otherwise that would have been a $150 fine.
The second and third cameras are the same bridge ones as above, the only difference is firmware.
Dragons is uploading his video now to back this up.
Tom, ALP rep, what can we do to fix this as it seems to only affect Gatso detection...
K band falses seem to be going off in their usual spots.
I've also noticed that Poliscan alerts from the toll point are delayed as well...
Don't fully trust my setup now considering I almost got a speeding fine by the changes...
Update 3: Last nights run with Dragon.
We experienced the same extremely poor detection. (Video includes my Redline as reference).
04-20-2014, 02:29 AM
Ok well I've just been out to test too after BA mentioned this and I can confirm the issue:
If you look up as I pass under the overpass you can actually see the Gatso boxes.
Just to add, before I went out I did a factory reset then reapplied settings with my USB stick.
04-20-2014, 02:33 AM
are you both running the plus in the vertical position, is so go back to horizontal and test, also have you both got new gps enabled in alp settings, again disconnect that first may be before u spin the plus antenna
04-20-2014, 02:34 AM
I am going to start running the Redline with K band again.
04-20-2014, 02:41 AM
are you both running the plus in the vertical position, is so go back to horizontal and test, also have you both got new gps enabled in alp settings, again disconnect that first may be before u spin the plus antenna
I'm not sure why that would make any difference since Gatso's are vertical, but I will head out again a little later and retest Horizontal. No I don't have GPS enabled.
04-20-2014, 02:46 AM
Seems like they have tried to reduce falses...
But my false levels are about the same.
With Gatso 24 Radars, you need the unit at Max sensitivity.
04-20-2014, 02:51 AM
It hasn't done something strange like toggle on city red or yellow by default rather than running in highway ?
04-20-2014, 02:53 AM
me neither, but some thing has happened , go through ur settings again before u spin the plus, also r u testing against the same cam as previous,
04-20-2014, 02:59 AM
I'm fairly certain WB, I factory reset my ALP then reapplied my settings with the file attached to this>
I couldn't upload it as an alp file.. Rename it to Setup.alp then check it with the ALP update site, they are the exact settings I am running.
04-20-2014, 03:06 AM
Its very strange.
Just spoke to ST and he mentioned that his Redflex detection is horrible as well now.
This issue has now made ALP useless against about 80% of all photoradar world wide
Or 100% of PhotoRadar used in Australia.
ALP Rep???
Going to drive down the coast tonight and do another run.
Will have the Redline running as well for reference.
04-20-2014, 03:52 AM
And this is why now I keep 2 CPU's. One with latest firmware & One with previously known working FW. If the STIR has been handicapped, to reduce falses, it might need to go back to what it was or have a MAX sensitivity mode with no filter in ALPconnect
04-20-2014, 03:57 AM
Well since updating to the newest firmware, K band detection of Gatso24 has dropped considerably.
I thought maybe something was wrong with my setup but Dragons just confirmed it with his STI-R on ALP.
I am just uploading the video now, but normally we get about a 300 to 700m detection.
Last night and today we has only gotten about 50m...
I started to notice a change the day after I installed the new firmware.
Cameras I normally got 500m warning dropped right down which I chalked off to weather.
Then a few days back, a mobile van I normally get 300-400m off of, didn't alert until almost on top of it.
Last night, had a very close call with a van that was running K.
I was lucky because he left his hazard lights on which saved my arse...
Any suggestions on fixing this?
Is there going to be a fix?
Or option 3, I still have a copy of the last firmware, can I downgrade back to that?
Edit: Cant downgrade :/
This is really concerning...
Old firmware detection range:
This video has the same camera in it as the one that I only have 50m warning with last night.
Now this is the same camera as the one tested last night by Dragons and I (as you can see the old firmware had decent range)
Note the range and detection
This video has the failure, you will see 1 really close call, I was lucky I noticed the van on the side of the road, otherwise that would have been a $150 fine.
The second and third cameras are the same bridge ones as above, the only difference is firmware.
Dragons is uploading his video now to back this up.
Tom, ALP rep, what can we do to fix this as it seems to only affect Gatso detection...
K band falses seem to be going off in their usual spots.
I've also noticed that Poliscan alerts from the toll point are delayed as well...
Don't fully trust my setup now considering I almost got a speeding fine by the changes...
all i can hear is disco music :D
04-20-2014, 03:59 AM
how come no one over the water, had any probs
04-20-2014, 04:12 AM
just had a shitty thought, hope i'm wrong, but us ozzies always seem to get the shit, if it,s not happening in the States
04-20-2014, 06:54 AM
I'm fairly certain WB, I factory reset my ALP then reapplied my settings with the file attached to this>
I couldn't upload it as an alp file.. Rename it to Setup.alp then check it with the ALP update site, they are the exact settings I am running.
Thanks mate - yes, that attachment looks good to me, nothing obviously wrong
04-20-2014, 07:33 AM
Just drove down to the coast and tested. Redline detected at 300m. Alp was again 50m or so. Did a few runs. Same issue.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
04-20-2014, 08:24 AM
Sounds like there is a problem,guys.AFAIK we do not have Gatsos in the USA & only a couple of States have the Poliscan radar.I do not have "married" set-ups like you do between AL-P laser & radar detection combined.Nor do I use Blue Tooth,either...I prefer to keep things simple & separate just for the reasons you all are now confronted with.
What a P.I.T.A. !
04-20-2014, 08:40 AM
Nothing was changed with radar. When you do a firmware update you will also need to reload your setup file or all settings will go to Default, Try reloading your setup file with all your band segmentation settings, Etc. I keep my setup file on the USB Drive I use to update my firmware so when updated it automatically reloads my settings.
04-20-2014, 08:44 AM
I'm fairly certain WB, I factory reset my ALP then reapplied my settings with the file attached to this>
I couldn't upload it as an alp file.. Rename it to Setup.alp then check it with the ALP update site, they are the exact settings I am running.
Setup file is not a text file. Its an .alp file. When saving the file try to save it directly to your USB drive. Some computers since the file might already exist from previous downloads it will save it and rename it. Saving the file directly to a clean USB Drive will prevent that issue. I also suggest you keep the file on the USB Drive so when you perform future updates the file will re-load at each update.
04-20-2014, 08:56 AM
Reset + Fresh file. Went for a drive. Still failing for Dragons and I....
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
04-20-2014, 08:59 AM
^ - This is what I do also,dragons !
I keep my "Set-up" file for Defense on a separate USB flash drive & anytime I do a f/w upgrade I always reload the "Set-up" afterwards.
04-20-2014, 09:02 AM
Fresh file + reset. Went for a drive. Still failing for Dragons and I....
Sent from my GT-I9505 using TapatalkIn that order ???
Maybe try reversing it then,...default reset-then new f/w load then do Set-up file for Defense.
04-20-2014, 09:05 AM
Fresh file + reset. Went for a drive. Still failing for Dragons and I....
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Have DGC send a request to have support look into it. We dont have it here so it would not be a US issue.
04-20-2014, 09:17 AM
Setup file is not a text file. Its an .alp file. When saving the file try to save it directly to your USB drive. Some computers since the file might already exist from previous downloads it will save it and rename it. Saving the file directly to a clean USB Drive will prevent that issue. I also suggest you keep the file on the USB Drive so when you perform future updates the file will re-load at each update.
If you read the bottom of that post it does say you need to rename it to Setup.alp, I switched the extension to .txt because you have vbulletin configured to only accept jpg, gif, txt etc all the usual attachments and nothing non standard, it is actually a ALP setup file if you download it rename it accordingly and upload it to alpupdate.
04-20-2014, 09:36 AM
In that order ???
Maybe try reversing it then,...default reset-then new f/w load then do Set-up file for Defense.
Just mixed the words around.
Have DGC send a request to have support look into it. We dont have it here so it would not be a US issue.
I think there are limited areas that do.
The Gatso24 has a slightly higher power output then a Redflex.
So if these changes have caused the Gatso24 to act up, then anyone that has to deal with Redflex will be in the same boat...
Started to run the Redline again.
God its so annoying compared to the ALP haha.
Videos coming in a sec.
04-20-2014, 09:37 AM
BA, have you any vids with your Bushnell K band radar, might be worth recreating them to see if any range has been lost.
I would but stuck at work.
The ALP/STiR+ has struggled in the past with Redflex detection, only really picks it up when you right ontop of it, the redline in the same spot gives me 300mt warning
04-20-2014, 09:39 AM
BA, have you any vids with your Bushnell K band radar, might be worth recreating them to see if any range has been lost.
I would but stuck at work
He was terrorising me with the damn thing tonight!!!!
04-20-2014, 09:44 AM
He was terrorising me with the damn thing tonight!!!!
Hahaha, couldn't let you get complacent now could I? :P
Just you wait, once I have a KA gun HAHAHA.
BA, have you any vids with your Bushnell K band radar, might be worth recreating them to see if any range has been lost.
I would but stuck at work.
The ALP/STiR+ has struggled in the past with Redflex detection, only really picks it up when you right ontop of it, the redline in the same spot gives me 300mt warning
Thats the plan for tomorrow.
I know where the Bushnel triggers the ALP along my road so should be interesting.
04-20-2014, 10:23 AM
Dragons and I did a few laps of this camera.
Same result every run.
04-20-2014, 10:39 AM
Just mixed the words around.Well STOP doing that,then.You're mixing me around & I don't know if I'm coming or going or if you are !
Where am I,who am I & why am I here ? hahaha
04-20-2014, 05:49 PM
aint done the fw upgrade yet been waiting for oz post, may put it in this morn minus the gps, but we have no set spc around here but can use the local super market, i know its not the best , and get back
04-20-2014, 06:29 PM
ok the first set file i download said .text ,cleared cache and all previous down loads did it again and then got the correct wording setup.alp,, and also used IE and that came out correct as well, so in they go, will know later this arvo
04-20-2014, 07:45 PM
so we can keep this in the oz sec, as it's only seems to be us ozzies speed cams, be easier to follow, noticed shane has just started , i will go out this morn and do a run
04-20-2014, 08:54 PM
posted in oz sec, found no diff on k, between bel plus, running separate, then changed over to alp bt, did three runs all the same
04-21-2014, 02:19 AM
posted in oz sec, found no diff on k, between bel plus, running separate, then changed over to alp bt, did three runs all the same
Try it against a Gatso 24 :)
04-21-2014, 02:38 AM
posted in oz sec, found no diff on k, between bel plus, running separate, then changed over to alp bt, did three runs all the same
It's not mobile K we are worried about, but the flash for cash variety.
04-21-2014, 02:54 AM
It's not mobile K we are worried about, but the flash for cash variety.
Yep, the extremely low powered radar is the worry.
04-21-2014, 02:59 AM
you mean like the ones on the Bruce going North of Brisbane, nr Deception bay turn off where the weigh bridge is, or is there different ones you are meaning , like i said only super markets round me but the same one i go to every week, and the response is the same as the plus as ALP,
04-21-2014, 03:01 AM
Yep, the extremely low powered radar is the worry.
what has lower than the slant mobile cruiser, which if far harder than the merc vans
04-21-2014, 03:05 AM
Dinky, forgive me for asking, but what does a supermarket have to do with detecting a Gatso? We get the same falses down here, that has not changed but Gatso detection has.
When your down this way next let us know how you go with the FIxed Gatso's or a flash for cash on side of the road, be it a merc van or cruiser.
04-21-2014, 03:14 AM
Phased Radar behaves differently to door openers DD.
CW Door openers pretty much spatter radar everywhere, and it can actually be pretty strong.
Thus why our falses seem to remain.
Where as phased LOW powered radars like the Redflex and Gatso 24 have beams that are focused in an area about the size of half a sheet of A4 paper.
They are bloody hard to detect, and what ever has been "improved" to lower false detection has indirectly caused issues with detection.
04-21-2014, 03:23 AM
i asked if the sc that you refer to gatso fixed, is the same as the one just North Of brisbane, Burpengary ? super markets have nothing to do with gatso, as i mentioned earlier, but we have just one super market and the k band i pick up, is the same as the plus, and also the same as the Alp,, which was the same distance , also when i run the ALP earlier before the cpu shit it self, so thats when i went bak to the plus, untill today when i put ALP bak on, i know the test is not good, buts that all have to go off till in hit the road again, but is tha gatso at burpengary the ones you are talking about, sure some thing has changed, so as you say wont know untill i pass a mobile or one of the gatso when i know were they are down there
04-21-2014, 03:25 AM
Phased Radar behaves differently to door openers DD.
CW Door openers pretty much spatter radar everywhere, and it can actually be pretty strong.
Thus why our falses seem to remain.
Where as phased LOW powered radars like the Redflex and Gatso 24 have beams that are focused in an area about the size of half a sheet of A4 paper.
They are bloody hard to detect, and what ever has been "improved" to lower false detection has indirectly caused issues with detection.
confused are you saying since the firmware or have there been some new gatso that is causing late detection,
04-21-2014, 03:40 AM
Ba did you check the range with ur gun to see anything had changed
04-21-2014, 05:07 AM
It's not mobile K we are worried about, but the flash for cash variety.
04-21-2014, 05:17 AM
came across this while playing, look the stalker, reports of it being used in QLD, notice the freq 34.7, may be the answer to what we keep picking up
04-21-2014, 05:32 AM
confused are you saying since the firmware or have there been some new gatso that is causing late detection,
Im saying the new firmware misses the tight beam until its too late.
Where as falses seem to be in the same spot.
My 50mw gun has the same range it usually does but thats like comparing a concert speaker system vs some iPod ear buds (Gatso only put out about 0.5mw).
Most door openers output about 50mw as well. :/
04-21-2014, 06:11 AM
ok gotcha , i was only comparing my previous and latest fw, with what i had around, which were the same as before, so will be interesting when i get a real encounter , but you guy's changed nothing and bam big change,, be interesting, but my comment earlier, they gives us here in oz all the shit, Tim gotta know some thing
04-21-2014, 06:38 AM
ok gotcha , i was only comparing my previous and latest fw, with what i had around, which were the same as before, so will be interesting when i get a real encounter , but you guy's changed nothing and bam big change,, be interesting, but my comment earlier, they gives us here in oz all the shit, Tom gotta know some thing
As per my email quoted in our section, hopefully Tim will kick off something.
Otherwise I hope I can get my hands on a CPU with older firmware...
Will call DGC dead on opening tomorrow and Ill see what happens from there.
Be nice to get this addressed.
Tom could you please submit some feedback to AL as well as they do use Gatso24 and Redflex speed cameras in the USA.
04-22-2014, 04:57 AM
Im saying the new firmware misses the tight beam until its too late.
Can you email(support) or PM your setup file? To compare your results... Are you using an STiR-M antenna for those Low power 3D radars with MTR enabled?
04-22-2014, 05:23 AM
Can you email(support) or PM your setup file? To compare your results... Are you using an STiR-M antenna for those Low power 3D radars with MTR enabled?
The M edition head is only useful against Redflex cameras.
The STIR+ head is fine against the Gatso24 cameras.
The only thing that has changed is the firmware.
Its gone from 700m to only 50m...
Sent conf to you via pm.
04-22-2014, 05:25 AM
Can you email(support) or PM your setup file? To compare your results... Are you using an STiR-M antenna for those Low power 3D radars with MTR enabled?
We are using STI-R+ Heads. POP off, RDR off, TSR off & Segmentation K. The Gatso24 & Redflex are fixed frequency.
04-22-2014, 05:42 AM
STI-r head here too, my setup file will be attached to this message, just rename it to Setup.alp as the forum will not allow .alp files to be attached.
K is segged to 4 and 5.
Setup file: 1686
04-22-2014, 06:12 AM
all new bel- plus cover the redflex k freq, the m has band seg mainly for EU ,
04-22-2014, 06:42 AM
I run the beltronics Stir+ I obtained it from DCG in March 2013
It goes right down to K23.950
The stir+m is this useless against some cams here in land of OZ!
04-22-2014, 04:25 PM
I run the beltronics Stir+ I obtained it from DCG in March 2013
It goes right down to K23.950
The stir+m is this useless against some cams here in land of OZ!
cant say, if as they advertise better for low power stuff on the M, is marketing hype, but if all that hype is about the lower freq they all have that, seg k here in OZ can be a bit tricky, i think the ALP with bt and gps is better, due to being able to isolate k freq to what sp you like
04-29-2014, 08:43 PM
Has there been any further development on this issue?
04-29-2014, 09:03 PM
do fish swim
04-29-2014, 10:05 PM
Running the older firmware now.
Detection is back to normal on it.
Working with AL to find the cause of the change in detection.
04-30-2014, 05:32 AM
Good 2 see someone solving the problems B.A Seems like Antilaser need to buy themselves a redflex and a Gatso to test it,
When I went past the local speed camera van mounted down low vertical slightly on 45 angle I got 200Mtrs on highway mode and when I went though the sets traffic lights I got every Traffic signal frequency and was prone to more false alerts as soon as I got on the road,
I refitted my antenna and this time fitted it horizontal with a slight tilt towards road.
Wow this gave me 700 Mtrs on that same Van!
I think its a great idea for antilaser to look at hiring a Gasto so it can be tested in a controlled conditions,
Who pushes and knows when the button is pushed to check cars speeds,
I'm not a expert on operating a Gasto,
Though once I parked within 5mtrs of the van and was there for 8mins without a hit off my detector He obviously realized I was sitting there with a R.D wandering why I wasn't getting any alerts,[
Here is a pic of my Local speed 4wd He is watching Midget PORN WE KNOW IT
Just something for Antilaser to consider
04-30-2014, 06:40 AM
melbVT is this with your Sti-R head connected to your ALP or to the CPU of your STi-R unit?
04-30-2014, 04:50 PM
melbVT is this with your Sti-R head connected to your ALP or to the CPU of your STi-R unit?
good question there dragons, awaiting the answer !!, will be interesting, never made any changes to my antenna and running the latest fw, i would say the diff between , full plus sytem running ,or the ALP BT, is negligible , but having seen the difference in ba vids, some thing has changed to cause that short warning when mounted verticle
04-30-2014, 05:45 PM
I need to find one of those 4wd ones. They are so low powered it will be the most perfect test...
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
04-30-2014, 05:48 PM
Will text you when I next see one
04-30-2014, 07:34 PM
Sorry 4 late reply
Mine is into my Stir+ as sadly the amount of False alerts where they park these low powered cameras whether they use a VE station wagon a newer mitsubishi outlander or a hidden old ford eco van!
Try testing her horizontal here a pic of where mine is hence its behind mesh no drama picking anything up
My car is known to 1 camera operator and its funny when I go past he stops his device if he notices me! Othertimes when he doesn't notice me I get tagged 24.166 or 24.100 by those low powered cameras ,
Would anyone like me to plug her in to the ALP and compare my results I can find 1 today we have facebook group where it has 92K members in Victoria and we post rbts sherif flash 4 cash etc
I have some spare time over next few days!
04-30-2014, 07:40 PM
Yep good idea, to see if any diff, with redflex
04-30-2014, 09:49 PM
You guys running gatso in Vic still or moved to redflex?
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
05-02-2014, 01:18 AM
Gatso and red flex! They like to confuse us down here B.A,
I found it depends on your antennas height
By chance can you place yours round same height as mine?
Why not run 1 vertical low on BA and 1 vertical high on dragons and go threw test same time then do same horizontal low etc etc
This will give you a clear result to see if the height helps,
My Bel stir+ tends to alert every time, I can show u a video of Gasto low powered in my stir+ Great detection up a hill in traffic with black suv in front of me reducing the chances of caching the alert The volume reduces on my stir+ Listen u hear the alert !
05-02-2014, 01:44 AM
Mtd low pick signals bouncing underneath, so to me it 's high like a roof rack, or low
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